National Supercomputing Centre
Place of work
Dubravska cesta, Karlova Ves, Bratislava
Contract type
Start date
Wage (gross)
The final salary depends on the candidate's experience and skills, as well as individual agreement, and can range from 2000 to 2800 Euro gross.
Job description, responsibilities and duties
Hľadáme šikovného zamestnanca/zamestnankyňu na pozíciu pre prácu na projekte EuroCC 2 – Národné kompetenčné centrum pre vysokovýkonné počítanie. V našom tíme sa budete podieľať na podpore klientov využívajúcich superpočítačové / HPC technológie so zameraním na inžinierske simulácie, napríklad:
- Communicating with users and an analyzing their requests.
- Design of a suitable tool for solving a problem, research of available information sources.
- Design and implementation of pilot and proof-of-concept solutions and projects in the field of numerical multiphysics simulations in an HPC environment.
- Providing training and users’ support.
- Reporting on implemented projects and maintaining relevant documentation.
Employee benefits
- Flexible working hours, home office.
- Pleasant working environment, friendly and helpful team.
- Continuous growth in the field, educational opportunities within the EuroCC network, training opportunities.
Candidates’ education suitable for the position:
University education (Master's degree) / Postgraduate (Doctorate)
University degree in
Engineering (Applied mechanics, Automotive mechatronics, Nuclear and physical engineering, etc.) or IT, Mathematics or Physics.
Necessary knowledge
- Knowledge of calculation methods in the areas of FEA and CFM.
- Orientation in software applications focused on FEA, CFM and "multiphysics" simulations.
- Experience with creating 3D models and visualizing outputs.
- Knowledge of sequential and parallel programming (C / C ++ / Fortran) is an advantage.
- Orientation in the HPC environment is an advantage.
- Knowledge of verbal and written English.
Skills should be demonstrated by work experience or output from projects (e.g. diploma thesis / dissertation), hackathons and contributions to open-source development, etc.
Uchádzač/ka by mal/a preukázať prax v oblasti, ktorú mohol/mohla nadobudnúť aj počas štúdia – uveďte v životopise. Pozícia je vhodná pre absolventa.
Other Skills
- Proactive and responsible approach to work.
- Independence, communicativeness.
- Sense of order (agenda management), consistency.
- Desire to learn and progress, willingness to participate on workshops, conferences.
- Ochota zapájať sa aj do vzdelávacích aktivít (napr. príležitostná výučba online kurzu v slovenskom/anglickom jazyku).
Information about the selection process
If you meet the requirements, send us your curriculum vitae and motivational letter, eventually references in Slovak language. We are thankful to all applicants for their interest, however only selected candidates will be contacted for interview.
National Supercomputing Centre
Brief description of the company
Our goal is to support and cover all HPC activities in Slovakia. Since 2020, we have been advocating for the development of HPC infrastructure, supporting projects and investments, and in close cooperation with the National Competence Center for HPC, we are working on strengthening competencies and skills in this area. We want to develop cooperation with Slovak universities, the Slovak Academy of Sciences and other organizations operating in the field of HPC, HPC+ applications and related fields.
Number of employees
max 10
Company address
Dúbravská cesta 3484/9
841 04 Bratislava – Karlova Ves
Slovak Republic
Contact person: Mgr. Halyna Hyryavets
E-mail: sent CV
About EuroCC project
Within the EuroCC project we operate the National competence centre for HPC as a first point of contact for supercomputing services and opportunities on a national level. We support adoption of high performance computing and provide free services to SMEs, academia and public administration, including facilitation of access, collaboration on R&D projects, consulting and training.
National competence center is a part of the EuroCC project, which includes a network of 33 national HPC competence centers.
Project timeline:
- EuroCC – September 1st, 2020 to December 31st , 2022
- EuroCC 2 – January 1st , 2023 to December 31st , 2025
Activities may continue beyond the current project runtime either under next EuroCC project or as a national activity.