What is

High performance computing (HPC) is the use of high-performance computing technologies (supercomputers and parallel programs) to solve complex numerical problems. Deployment of HPC is important in modern science as well as in industry.


National competence center's mission is to promote the use of HPC in science and industry and to increase the competences of its users. If you are interested in more information, training or cooperation do not hesitate to contact us.

The services of the
and training

The National Competence Center provides services and courses in the field of HPC. All our services and courses are free of charge. Collaborate with us, use our computing resources, learn to code, find out how to optimize parallel code sand use HPC software efficiently.

and Information

We regularly publish updates on the activities of the competence center, reports on successful deployment of HPC, cooperation with academia and private sector, and organized events. Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social networks!

Slovakia has joined a European network of 33 competence centers. The aim of the EuroCC portal and CASTIEL is to bridge the existing HPC skill gaps while promoting cooperation and the implementation of best practices across Europe. European countries are currently taking part in the initiative and pooling their resources with the EU and private partners to enable the EU to become a world leader in supercomputing.


Mapovanie polohy a výšky stromov v PointCloud dátach získaných pomocou LiDAR technológie 25 Jul - Cieľom spolupráce medzi Národným superpočítačovým centrom (NSCC) a firmou SKYMOVE, v rámci projektu Národného kompetenčného centra pre HPC, bol návrh a implementácia pilotného softvérového riešenia pre spracovanie dát získaných technológiou LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) umiestnených na dronoch.
Workshop: POP3 Profiling and Optimisation Tools 16 Jul - Pozývame vás na zaujímavé podujatie POP3 Profiling and Optimisation Tools 46th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop. Podujatie je organizované POP3 CoE v spolupráci s Národnými kompetenčnými centrami pre HPC zo Slovenska, Česka, Poľska a Rakúska Maďarska a Slovinska.
Call for Ideas: Seeking Slovak SME Partners for FFPlus Project Consortium 4 Jul - NCC Slovakia hľadá slovenských MSP partnerov na vytvorenie konzorcia pre návrh prestížneho projektu FFPlus. Cieľom je využiť vysokovýkonné počítanie pri riešení špecifických obchodných výziev zahŕňajúcich napr. modelovanie a simulácie, analýzu údajov, AI atď.


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