
EuroCC 2 & CoEs & CASTIEL 2 Intermediate Conference na Slovensku 26 Apr - V malebnom prostredí Vysokých Tatier sa členovia Európskych národných kompetenčných centier a Centier excelentnosti stretli počas EuroCC 2 & CoEs & CASTIEL 2 Intermediate Conference, aby diskutovali o vývoji v projekte a ukázali doteraz dosiahnutý pokrok.
Nová spolupráca a komplexnejšia ponuka pre slovenské firmy 24 Apr - V Národnom kompetenčnom centre pre HPC sa tešíme z nášeho nového partnerstva s Inovačným centrom INOVIA v Žiline. Toto spojenie predstavuje významný míľnik v misii NCC pre HPC propagovať a podporovať adopciu vysokovýkonných výpočtových technológií naprieč slovenskými regiónmi a hospodárskymi sektormi. Využitie takýchto pokročilých digitálnych technológií je vo svete čoraz bežnejšie, napríklad pri pokročilých numerických simuláciách, spracovaní veľkých objemov dát a tiež pri vývoji modelov umelej inteligencie.
Uses of HPC for SMEs 21 Mar - Dňa 19. marca sa v Bratislave uskutočnilo podujatie s názvom Objavte potenciál supepročítača v praxi, ktoré združilo odborníkov z Národného kompetenčného centra HPC (NCC) a Slovenskej obchodnej a priemyselnej komory, čím sa otvorili nové horizonty prespoluprácu s podnikmi využívajúcimi veľké dáta, simulácie, umelú inteligenciu vo vývoji alebo výrobnej technológií.
EuroHPC JU: Prístup k superpočítačom pre aplikácie umelej inteligencie a pre dátovo náročné výpočtyEuroHPC JU: 15 Mar - The call is designed to serve industry organisations, small to medium enterprises (SMEs), startups, as well as public sector entities, requiring access to supercomputing resources to perform artificial intelligence and data intensive activities.
EuroHPC JU Call for Proposals for Benchmark Access 2024 15 Mar - The purpose of theEuroHPC JU Benchmark Access calls is to support researchers and HPC application developers by giving them the opportunity to test or benchmark their applications on the upcoming/available EuroHPC Pre-exascale and/or Petascale system prior to applying for an Extreme Scale and/or Regular Access.
EuroHPC JU Call for Proposals for Development Access 2024 14 Mar - The purpose of the EuroHPC JU Development Access calls is to support researchers and HPC application developers by giving them the opportunity to develop, test and optimise their applications on the upcoming/available EuroHPC Pre-exascale and/or Petascale system prior to applying for an Extreme Scale and/or Regular Access. The EuroHPC Development call is designed for projects focusing on code and algorithm development and optimisation. As well as development of AI application methods.
SOPK: Objavte potenciál superpočítača v praxi 14 Mar - Pozývame vás na konzultačno-vzdelávacie stretnutie s expertmi z Národného kompetenčného centra pre HPC.  Podujatie je organizovane pre podniky, ktoré pracujú s veľkým množstvom dát, alebo vyvíjajú svoje vlastné produkty a technológie.
International Day of Women and Girls in Science 11 Feb - The International Day of Women and Girls in Science, celebrated annually on February 11th, was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015. This day reminds us that women and girls play a crucial role in science and technology and that their support in this area needs to be further enhanced. The contribution of women in science is invaluable, from basic research to the development of technologies. Women, such as Marie Curie, Rosalind Franklin, and many others, have had a fundamental impact on our understanding of the world.
Large AI Grand Challenge 9 Feb - Projekt AI-BOOST financovaný z EÚ spustil svoju prvú súťaž, ktorá ponúka až 250.000 eur v bezkapitálovom financovaní až štyrom európskym malým stredným podnikom (MSP) a startupom s vysokým potenciálom, ktoré majú technickú kapacitu a skúsenosti s prácou na rozsiahlych modeloch umelej inteligencie (AI).
Securing the Digital Borders of Tomorrow:
Qubit Conference® Sets New Trends in Cybersecurity in Central Europe
18 Jan - The event, known for its high-quality lineup of expert lectures and top-notch speakers from around the world, has become a hub for building relationships, sharing progressive ideas, technologies, and strategies that shape the future of digital security for both small and large enterprises. The Qubit Conference® has become a must-attend event for professionals who want to keep up with the latest trends and innovations in cybersecurity, resulting in its growing not only in the number of participants year by year, but also in its impact on the industry.
INTERNATIONAL HPC SUMMER SCHOOL 2024 12 Jan - Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars from institutions in Australia, Europe, Japan and the United States are invited to apply for the 13th International High Performance Computing (HPC) Summer School, to be held on 7-12 July, 2024 in Kobe, Japan, hosted by the RIKEN Center for Computational Science. Applications to participate in the summer school will be accepted until 23:59 AOE January 31, 2024.
Devana: Call for Standard HPC access projects 1/24 3 Jan - The Computing Centre of the SAS and the National Supercomputing Centre are opening the first Call for Projects for Standard Access to HPC. Projects are possible continuously, while there are 3 closing dates as standard during the year, after which the evaluation will take place until the submitted applications. It is possible to apply for access through the user portal.