Join our team
We are looking for new colleagues, who are interested in working in the field of HPC:
Centrum spoločných činností Slovenskej akadémie vied, v. v. i. organizačná zložka Výpočtové stredisko SAV hľadá šikovných kolegov do svojho tímu na Oddelenie vysokovýkonnej výpočtovej techniky:
Don't see a job offer that fits your expertise?
National Competence Centre for HPC is always looking for experienced staff and new talent, particularly potential recruits with a background in high-performance computing, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data and other relevant fields of expertise. If you are interested in working with our team of experts — even if no concrete job opening currently exists in your field of interest – do not hesitate to contact us!
What would we like to know about you?
- Academic degree
- Current job possiton
- Previous experience in IT
- Curriculum Vitae
- Diplomas and Certificates
- Why would you like to work for the NCC and on which position
Please e-mail this information as a PDF file to:
If a suitable position becomes available, we will contact you and invite you for a job interview at that time.
Company address

National Supercomputing Centre
Dúbravská cesta 3484/9
841 04 Bratislava – Karlova Ves
Number of employees

max 10