
Devana: Call for Standard HPC access projects 1/24

The Computing Centre of the SAS and the National Supercomputing Centre are opening the first Call for Projects for Standard Access to HPC. Projects are possible continuously, while there are 3 closing dates as standard during the year, after which the evaluation will take place until the submitted applications. It is possible to apply for access through the register.nscc.sk user portal.

Devana: Call for Standard HPC access projects 1/24

Výpočtové stredisko SAV a Národné superpočítačové centrum otvarujú prvú Výzvu na podávanie projektov pre štandardný prístup k HPCProjects are possible continuously, while there are 3 closing dates as standard during the year, after which the evaluation will take place until the submitted applications. It is possible to apply for access through the register.nscc.sk user portal register.nscc.sk.

Standard access to high-performance computing resources is open to all areas of science and research, especially for larger-scale projects. These projects should demonstrate excellence in the respective fields and a clear potential to bring innovative solutions to current social and technological challenges. In the application, it is necessary to demonstrate the efficiency and scalability of the proposed calculation strategies and methods in the HPC environment. The necessary data on the performance and parameters of the considered algorithms and applications can be obtained within the Testing Access.

Allocations are awarded for one (1) year with the option to apply for extension, if necessary. Access is free of charge, provided that all requirements defined in the Terms of reference  are met. Submitted projects are evaluated from a technical point of view by the internal team of CC SAS and SK NSCC, and the quality of the scientific and research part is always evaluated by two independent external reviewers.

Call opening date: 6.10.2023
Call closing date: 31.10. 2023, 17:00 CET
Communication of allocation decision: Within 2 weeks of project submission.
Začiatok doby alokácie: najneskôr 16. 11. 2023

Eligible Researchers Scientists and researchers from Slovak public universities and the Slovak Academy of Sciences, as well as from public and state administration organizations and private enterprises registered in the Slovak Republic, can apply for standard access to HPC. Access is provided exclusively for civil and non-commercial open-science research and development. Interested parties from private companies should first contact the National Competence Centre for HPC.

Allocation period: 1 year

Overall allocation offered in the Call: 26 M CPU core-hours and 92k GPU-hours

Available systems: Devana supercomputer  universal CPU and accelerated GPU module

Expected project outcomes:

  • Final report within 2 months from the end of the project.
  • Peer-review and other publications in domestic and foreign scientific periodicals with acknowledgments in the pre-defined wording, reported through the user portal.
  • Active participation in the Slovak HPC conference organized by the coordinator of this call (poster, other contribution).
  • Participation in dissemination activities of the coordinator (interview, article in the HPC magazine, etc.).

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