
New HPC Ambassador: IT Valley Košice

The National Competence Center for High-Performance Computing (HPC) has established a new strategic partnership with IT Valley Košice under the HPC Ambassador program. This collaboration aims to strengthen technological innovation and development in eastern Slovakia, contributing to the growth of the innovation ecosystem across the country.

New HPC Ambassador: IT Valley Košice

The National Competence Center for High-Performance Computing (HPC) has established a new strategic partnership with IT Valley Košice under the HPC Ambassador program. This collaboration aims to strengthen technological innovation and development in eastern Slovakia, contributing to the growth of the innovation ecosystem across the country.

Goals and Vision

The partnership focuses on promoting the adoption of HPC technologies among members of IT Valley Košice  including companies, academic institutions, and research organizations. Through this effort, we aim to create an environment that fosters the development of talent and innovative companies capable of competing on the global stage.

IT Valley Košice strives to build a technologically advanced business environment in eastern Slovakia, and this partnership significantly contributes to establishing the region as a center of excellence for business, research, and education.

Practical Collaboration

The National Competence Center for HPC will provide relevant information, training, and services to IT Valley Košice members, while IT Valley Košice will promote these opportunities and help identify organizations ready to leverage HPC technologies. Members will gain access to top-notch support and expert consultations.

Additionally, IT Valley Košice will play a key role in facilitating knowledge and technology transfer between academia and the IT industry. Educational events, workshops, and competitions will be organized to enhance the region's innovation potential. We look forward to successful collaboration with IT Valley Košice and to projects that will support the innovative and entrepreneurial environment in Slovakia.