
Why Do Enterprises Need Supercomputers? NCC for HPC at the Innovation Seminar

Dňa 6. marca sme sa zúčastnili odborno-informačného seminára s názvom „Podpora inovácií pre zlepšenie rastu a rozvoja malého a stredného podnikania v Nitrianskom kraji“. Podujatie organizovalo Regionálne centrum Nitra MIRRI SR v spolupráci s Nitrianskym samosprávnym krajom, Slovenskou poľnohospodárskou univerzitou v Nitre, Slovenskou inovačnou a energetickou agentúrou (SIEA) a Výskumnou a inovačnou autoritou (VAIA).

Why Do Enterprises Need Supercomputers? NCC for HPC at the Innovation Seminar

On March 6, we participated in a seminar titled Support for Innovation to Improve the Growth and Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Nitra Region The event was organized by the Regional Center Nitra of MIRRI SR in cooperation with the Nitra Self-Governing Region, the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, the Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency (SIEA) and the Research and Innovation Authority (VAIA).

As part of the seminar, we presented the activities of the National Competence Center for HPC, which in Slovakia is managed by the National Supercomputing Centre. In our presentation, we focused on the possibilities of utilizing high-performance computing technologies to support the digital transformation of businesses, optimize processes, and foster innovation across various industries.

We discussed:

  • the benefits of supercomputing technologies for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
  • how companies can gain access to HPC technologies and enhance their competitiveness
  • successful collaborations between academia, research organizations, and the business sector

The event provided an excellent platform for discussions on connecting research, industry, and the public sector. It was inspiring to see various stakeholders share their perspectives on digital transformation and support for innovation to drive Slovakia's economic development.

Thank you to the organizers for the invitation and the opportunity to present our activities. We look forward to future collaborations that will contribute to the development of the digital economy and innovation in the business environment!