Lecture series

High Performance Computing

A new series of popular science lectures about interesting HPC applications

In the winter semester 2024, we will focus on other fascinating areas where high performance computing (HPC) plays a key role. We will mainly focus on meteorology, climatology, chemistry and large language models (LLM). We will address the use of high-performance computing and artificial intelligence in climate modeling, and we will also bring interesting discussions on genetic sequencing and computer simulations focused on polymers, DNA, topological molecules. We will also focus on genomic analyzes with significant implications for biomedicine, healthcare and epidemiology. Last but not least, we will also address the question of whether there are enough words in the Slovak language to train a large language model.

Participants will have the opportunity to discuss with invited experts after the lectures. Face-to-face lectures will be held in a pleasant and informal atmosphere over coffee in the FCHPT STU building at Radlinského 9 in Bratislava. Online lectures will take place via Zoom. You can watch recordings of our lectures via YouTube.

If you are interested in a specific topic or would like to present your research, let us know!!