
Securing the Digital Borders of Tomorrow:
Qubit Conference® Sets New Trends in Cybersecurity in Central Europe

The event, known for its high-quality lineup of expert lectures and top-notch speakers from around the world, has become a hub for building relationships, sharing progressive ideas, technologies, and strategies that shape the future of digital security for both small and large enterprises. The Qubit Conference® has become a must-attend event for professionals who want to keep up with the latest trends and innovations in cybersecurity, resulting in its growing not only in the number of participants year by year, but also in its impact on the industry.

Zabezpečenie digitálnych hraníc zajtrajška:
Qubit Conference® stanovuje nové trendy kybernetickej bezpečnosti v strednej Európe

The event, known for its high-quality lineup of expert lectures and top-notch speakers from around the world, has become a hub for building relationships, sharing progressive ideas, technologies, and strategies that shape the future of digital security for both small and large enterprises. The Qubit Conference® has become a must-attend event for professionals who want to keep up with the latest trends and innovations in cybersecurity, resulting in its growing not only in the number of participants year by year, but also in its impact on the industry.

The conference annually welcomes over 500 participants from dozens of countries, of which an average of 44% are new attendees seeking innovation and challenges in the field of cybersecurity. According to the latest Qubit Conference® satisfaction survey, 100% of the participants proudly state that they would recommend the conference to anyone looking for exceptional experiences in cybersecurity.

Uncovering Trends, Solutions, and a Unique Opportunity for Networking

Digital trends, as well as the threats associated with them, are always at the center of attention. The conference regularly hosts representatives from technology companies that are at the forefront of innovations in cybersecurity. Presentations and workshops focus on introducing revolutionary solutions that change the paradigm in the fight against cyber threats.

Participants can expect concrete examples of implementations and guidance on how to integrate these innovations into their security strategies. This is not just theoretical, as an audience member, but also practical, through interactive workshops where each participant can try out the implementation of new technologies and solutions. This provides numerous opportunities to acquire new skills and understand their practical applications

The Qubit Expo showcases companies that bring the latest innovations in software, hardware, data analysis, and other areas that push the boundaries of what is possible in digital security. With rapid technological advances, there comes a unique opportunity for networking. Discussions and workshops provide participants with opportunities to create new professional or business connections.

Qubit Conference® It is undoubtedly an event that pushes the boundaries of knowledge, innovation, and networking in the field of cybersecurity. This is evidenced by the latest Qubit Conference® satisfaction survey, in which a significant majority, up to 97% of participants, express interest in attending future workshops and training sessions prepared by Qubit in the near future. Additionally, as many as 94% of participants confirm that all educational activities of the Qubit Conference® are focused on current trends. Furthermore, for more than 4/5 of the participants (83%), the conference represents an excellent opportunity for creating new professional relationships or acquiring potential customers.

For the first time on the stage, cyber protection for small and medium-sized enterprises

The Qubit Conference® definitely confirms its position as a leading technology event in Central Europe. This autumn, it launched a series of webinars and cybersecurity training sessions for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This initiative responds to the growing need to secure digital infrastructure for smaller businesses, which are increasingly exposed to complex cyber threats.

The discussion on the stage was rich in expert perspectives from professionals with extensive experience in cyber protection. The topic of discussion was not only the current threats but also specific strategies and tools that SMEs can implement to enhance their cyber resilience. The concluding panel discussion offered the attending SMEs an invaluable opportunity to interact directly with the experts and obtain specific advice for their individual needs.

The year 2024 will open the debate on the human touch in advanced technologies

The Qubit Conference® proves that it is more than just a one-time event. The organizers have already announced plans to expand and strengthen the community that is emerging within the conference. This will include a regular series of workshops and meetings, which will allow cybersecurity, IT, and innovation experts to maintain contacts and collaborate even after the conference itself has ended.

As Katarína Gamboš, the Senior Event Producer of Qubit Conference®, states, "The year 2024 will not only bring a new beginning but also a revolution in how we perceive and integrate the human touch into advanced technologies. The theme of the upcoming Qubit Conference® Prague 2024, 'Bringing humans back to cyber,' introduces into the discussion the value of the human factor in an era where technological progress moves at an incredible speed. 'Bringing humans back to cyber' is not just a slogan, but also an opportunity for experts from around the world to share their views and ideas on how we should perceive and incorporate the human factor into technological innovations. At Qubit Conference® Prague 2024, our goal is to open a discussion about how we, as individuals, can ensure that technological progress contributes to the benefit of the whole society and maintains ethical standards."

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