
Research project: Use of wave energy for the third generation WEC

On February 2nd, an online presentation of the research project Use of wave energy for the third generation WEC (Wave energy converter) took place in the premises of the Computing Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. The hybrid event was organized by niore Energy s.r.o. and the National Competence Centre for High Performance Computing.

Research project: Use of wave energy for the third generation WEC

On February 2nd, an online presentation of the research project Use of wave energy for the third generation WEC (Wave energy converter) took place in the premises of the Computing Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. The hybrid event was organized by niore Energy s.r.o. and the National Competence Centre for High Performance Computing.

Company niore Energy s.r.o. is focused on the production and storage of clean energy. Experts from niore Energy s.r.o. are plan to become part of the world's electrical grid solution and contribute to global goals by turning ocean waves into electricity and utilizing water for energy storage. This patent-pending concept is based on a floating ring on the ocean's surface. This ring enables the transformation of oscillating motion into rotary motion, which is the motion that generates the most electricity efficiently. The bigger the diameter of the ring, the more sturdy it is against ocean waves, and the more energy we can collect from a broader surface area. Energy Storage, which is also a rotating device floating on the ocean's surface, will serve as the cornerstone for the storage of clean energy, by converting extra electricity into kinetic energy. You can find more information about Energy HUB technologies HEREDuring the presentation of this research project, M. Novák also gave a demonstration of their technology.

Research project Use of wave energy for the third generation WEC is supported by Norwegian grants and the state budget of the Slovak republic.

Source: https://www.nioreenergy.com/
Pictures: Pavol Novák

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