
 Kick-off meeting: Superheroes 4 Science vol.2

On days 28-30 November 2023, an introductory meeting for the second phase of the Superheroes 4 Science (S4S) project took place in Bratislava. The project will introduce the young generation to the fascinating world of high-performance computing and will focus on the creation of interactive educational materials on such topics as supercomputers, artificial intelligence and quantum computing.

 Kick-off meeting: Superheroes 4 Science vol.2

We are excited to announce that the Superheroes 4 Science (S4S)vol.2 kick-off meeting was held in Bratislava, Slovakia from November 28-30. The project aims to introduce the younger generation to the fascinating world of high-performance computing and focuses on creating interactive educational materials on topics such as supercomputers, artificial intelligence, and quantum computing. Teams from the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia gathered at the introductory project meeting in Bratislava. It was a highly productive three days during which we had the opportunity to plan the development of various interesting educational activities and materials for you.

In addition to being a very productive meeting we also had the opportunity to see the first Slovak supercomputer from 1958. This computer was used for modeling dynamic systems and calculating differential equations, and it was in operation until 1972. We also visited the new Slovak #supercomputer Devana. Devana is a powerful machine that is capable of performing complex calculations at speeds that were unimaginable just a few decades ago.

Follow the project website and social media channels and don't miss out on various interesting educational activities and materials that we are preparing for you

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