
Supercomputer Leonardo for the Slovak scientific community

The Leonardo consortium, which consists of six European countries led by Italy, procured and put into operation in November 2022 the currently sixth most powerful supercomputer in the world. Slovakia, as one of the members of the consortium, provides, through the Computing Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, its expertise in the field of HPC and high-level technical and engineering support to the user communities. Thanks to this, Slovak users have a unique opportunity to participate in the national challenge and gain access to the Leonardo system.

Supercomputer Leonardo for the Slovak scientific community

The Leonardo Consortium, composed of six European countries led by Italy, procured and in November 2022 put into operation the currently sixth most powerful supercomputer in the world  . Slovensko, ako jeden z členov konzorcia, poskytuje prostredníctvom Výpočtového strediska Slovenskej akadémie vied projektu svoje odborné znalosti v oblasti HPC a komunitám používateľov technickú a inžiniersku podporu na vysokej úrovni. Slovenskí používatelia majú vďaka tomu jedinečnú možnosť zapojiť sa do národnej výzvy a získať prístup na systém Leonardo.

Superpočítač Leonardo má výkon približne 250 PFlop/s, pričom celková alokácia dostupná pre slovenské projekty je 56 000 GPU nód-hodín a 25 000 CPU nód-hodín ročne.  Computing Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, preto v spolupráci s National Supercomputing Center, to access Leonardo's computing resources.Given the size of the allocation, support will be provided to a smaller number of projects, primarily those that require simultaneous utilization of a large number of computing nodes.

Access is open to all fields of science and research, and eligible applicants are from Slovak public universities or institutions of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Supported projects should enable progress and innovation in their chosen area, with added value for addressing societal and/or technological challenges in Slovakia.

Applications used in projects should be thoroughly tested, demonstrating high efficiency and scalability on HPC systems or the need for extensive simulations that require a significant amount of CPU/GPU time. These should be highly parallelized applications capable of efficiently utilizing the available resources, the allocation of which would be challenging on the current national HPC infrastructureDevana supercomputer  ). The computational power requirement and resource utilization must be clearly and comprehensively described in the proposal. You can find the specifications of individual Leonardo modules HERE.

Výzva je otvorená do 31.1. 2024. Vyhodnotenie a vybrané projekty budú zverejnené dva týždne po uzávierke, úspešní riešitelia budú o ďalšom postupe informovaní mailom. Jednotlivé projekty budú hodnotené odborným personálom VS SAV a NSCC s ohľadom na vedecký prínos a čo najefektívnejšie využitie výpočtových kapacít. Projekty s maximálnou dĺžkou trvania 12 mesiacov je možné podať prostredníctvom používateľského portálu register.nscc.sk  . Po registrácii je potrebné vyplniť formulár v sekcii The projecty / Leonardo projekt.

Before submitting an application, we ask interested parties to thoroughly familiarize themselves with the conditions of this call..

In case of any questions or uncertainties, please contact us at eurocc@nscc.sk