
New HPC Ambassador: Union of Clusters of Slovakia

New HPC Ambassador: Union of Clusters of Slovakia

S radosťou oznamujeme, že Národné kompetenčné centrum pre HPC uzavrelo nové partnerstvo s Úniou klastrov Slovenska (ÚKS) v rámci HPC Ambassador programu . Tento významný krok posilní naše spoločné úsilie v podpore inovácií a adopcii vysokovýkonných počítačových technológií medzi klastrami a ich členmi z rôznych sektorov, s ddôrazom na malé a stredné podniky na Slovensku.

New HPC Ambassador: Union of Clusters of Slovakia

We are pleased to announce that the National Competence Centre for HPC has established a new partnership with the Union of Clusters of Slovakia (ÚKS) as part of the HPC Ambassador program This significant step will strengthen our joint efforts in promoting innovation and the adoption of high-performance computing technologies among clusters and their members from various sectors, with a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises in Slovakia.

Shared Goals and Visions

Our shared goal is to raise awareness and promote the adoption of HPC technologies among Slovak clusters, which bring together businesses, research institutions, and the academic sphere. In collaboration with ÚKS, we will organize events, training sessions, and informational campaigns that will provide cluster members with the necessary knowledge and tools to utilize HPC in their activities.

How We Collaborate

As part of this collaboration, the NCC will regularly share information about its activities, training sessions, and services that are relevant to the members and partners of ÚKS. ÚKS, in turn, will use its communication channels to inform its members about these opportunities and will connect businesses ready to utilize HPC technologies with the NCC. ÚKS members will also gain access to expert assistance and support for various research or development projects.

We believe that this partnership will significantly contribute to the development of the innovation ecosystem in Slovakia and help cluster members become more competitive in the global market.

We look forward to a successful collaboration and many joint projects ahead!

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