
Central European NCC working group in Grundlsee

Zástupcovia národných kompetenčných centier pre HPC zo stredoeurópskeho regiónu sa 10. júna stretli na treťom stretnutí stredoeurópskej pracovnej skupiny NCC pre HPC. Hybridné podujatie zorganizovalo NCC Rakúsko v Grundlsee. Workshopu sa zúčastnili kompetenčné centra pre HPC z Poľska, Rakúska, Chorvátska, Českej republiky, Slovenska, Slovinska a Maďarska.

Central European NCC working group in Grundlsee

On June 10, representatives from national competence centres for HPC situated in the central Europe region met during the third Central European NCC working group. The hybrid event was organized by NCC Austria in Grundlsee. The workshop was attended by competence centers for HPC from PolandAustriaCroatiaCzech RepublicSlovakiaSlovenia and Hungary.

The Competence Centers focused on the topic of collaboration between NCC and other institutions, as well as improving company profiles on LinkedIn. The event was opened by Markus Stöhr, head of the Austrian Competence Center for High-Performance Computing. This was followed by a brief introduction of each Competence Center, during which the heads of the respective NCCs presented not only the team members but also the most important topics they would like to address during the meeting. This was followed by a moderated discussion on the aforementioned topics led by Markus Stöhr and an overview and update on training cooperation led by Claudia Blaas-Schenner.

Another very interesting topic of the workshop was LinkedIn profile optimization. This internal workshop focused on best practices for creating a professional-looking LinkedIn page. The workshop was intended for anyone interested in improving their personal profile as well as their business page. The workshop was led by Natascha Trzepizur, a content marketing expert from INiTS in Vienna.

The final section, titled AI Focus, was dedicated to:

  • AI-Generated Reporting:A discussion on the use of artificial intelligence in report creation. Speakers: Markus Stöhr, Simeon Harrison, Thomas Mayerhofer.
  • Training series: AI for industry Discussion of a series of trainings focused on the use of AI in industry. Speakers: Simeon Harrison, Thomas Mayerhofer.

The meeting of the Central European NCC working group was a unique opportunity to exchange experiences, deepen cooperation and improve the professional competences of the participants. We thank the Austrian Competence Center for organizing this great event and we look forward to the next meeting of our working group!

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