Support for the utilization of HPC technologies in small
and medium-sized enterprises and industry.
The main goal of the Ambassador program is to establish mutually beneficial cooperation with innovation agencies, chambers of commerce, and regional associations representing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and industrial companies. The National Competence Center for High-Performance Computing (NCC for HPC) offers a wide portfolio of services in the areas of simulation, modeling, AI/ML, and data analysis. Our services include access to supercomputers, technological consulting, and professional training.
The implementation of high-performance computing technologies (HPC) can bring several advantages for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Slovakia. Here are some of the main benefits:

Acceleration of computations and processes
HPC enables SMEs to process complex calculations and analytical tasks faster. The team contributes to increasing efficiency, optimizing processes and customizing the product launch.
AmpliSIM: Air Quality Simulation For Industry
„The overall engineering time has been reduced by more than 60 per cent, with no time being lost on data retrieval and transformation. This, combined with the excellent quality of data and small error in the modelling process is what makes the service so compelling for users.“

Innovation and Competitiveness
High-performance computing technologies provide SMEs with opportunities for innovation and the development of new products or services. In this way, they can gain a competitive advantage in the market.
Juan Yacht Design Teams Up With PRACE SHAPE To Make Faster Sailboats
“The use of RANS turbulence models – a pioneering adoption of Computational Fluids Dynamics (CFD) – has enabled Juan Yacht Design to put aside the need for towing tank experimental tests, a key competitive advantage in a cut-throat industry.”

Processing Large Datasets
HPC enables SMEs to efficiently process large volumes of data. This is crucial, for example, for analyzing customer behavior, demand forecasting, and other important areas that can lead to better decision-making.
Large-scale Indie Gaming Analytics (LIGA)
“The main benefit for the customers of KUMO making use of REC-ENG is that the new tool will support their decision-making process in terms of models to be collected and shared. The tool will reinforce the links between models and users’ likes, and also among models themselves.”

Cost optimization
Although implementing HPC involves certain investments, it can lead to cost optimization in the long term. Automation of processes and innovative approaches can result in less time and resources required to achieve the same results.
OptiBike Robust Lightweight Composite Bicycle design and optimization
"The OptiBike solution leads to a reduction of 80% in the time to design and optimize a bicycle that can currently take up to 8 months. In addition, it reduces the number of manufactured prototypes by 75%. Having this optimization workflow available means that IDEC is capable of staying ahead of the competition despite its limited resources."

Adaptability and scalability
HPC solutions are often flexible and capable of adapting to the evolving needs of SMEs. Moreover, these technologies are scalable, meaning that SMEs can gradually expand their capacities according to increasing demands.

Research & Development
HPC can support SMEs in research and development, which is a key factor for innovation and discovering new opportunities in their industry.
High-performance computing enhances treatment precision in breast cancer
"The AÏDA technology has a huge potential to support clinicians in their choice of treatment. No similar solutions exist at the moment, and therefore AÏDA has the opportunity to become a first-in-market product that can truly revolutionize the way cancer patients are treated."

Decision support
Faster and more accurate calculations enable SMEs to obtain better information for decision-making processes, leading to better strategic decisions.
Leveraging HPC for AI and deep learning powered solutions for asset management
“The main result of this experiment is the development of a “factory” of AI/DL-based models to support asset management. It brings rigorousness and automation to the models that guide better investment choices and support the creation of risk management tools. These tools in turn contribute to the entire system’s stability and reduce investors’ risks, especially in the most challenging market moments and scenarios, thus overcoming the roadblocks previously mentioned.”

Development of professional skills
The implementation of HPC allows SMEs to develop the professional skills of their employees in the field of computational technologies and modern information technologies.