
EuroCC 2 & CoEs & CASTIEL 2 Intermediate Conference na Slovensku

V malebnom prostredí Vysokých Tatier sa členovia Európskych národných kompetenčných centier a Centier excelentnosti stretli počas EuroCC 2 & CoEs & CASTIEL 2 Intermediate Conference, aby diskutovali o vývoji v projekte a ukázali doteraz dosiahnutý pokrok.

EuroCC 2 & CoEs & CASTIEL 2 Intermediate Conference in Slovakia

Amidst the picturesque landscape of the Slovak High Tatra Mountains, the members of European National Competence Centres and Centres of Excellence met during the all-hands meeting to discuss the project development and show the progress that has been made.

The sessions started on Monday, April 22 with a warm welcome from the Project Management Team and the local hosts from NCC Slovakia. Discussions then covered recent development and information from the project first year review and then continued with identification of synergies between NCCs and CoEs, laying the groundwork for collaborative endeavors and knowledge exchange. The discussions were not just theoretical, they were practical blueprints for fostering cohesion and maximizing impact within the EuroCC 2 ecosystem.

On the second day, the focus shifted towards practical matters of funding, competencies, and strategic planning. Workshops on budget allocation with CASTIEL 2 and discussions on the competencies of NCCs and CoEs provided invaluable insights into the financial and intellectual scaffolding necessary for sustainable growth.

The conference was a testament to the diversity of the EuroCC 2 community. From thematic clusters to industry approaches and training baselines, participants delved deep into the intricacies of their respective domains, forging connections and laying the groundwork for future collaborations.

The participants also had the opportunity to stretch their legs during an excursion around the Štrbské pleso lake, fostering camaraderie and strengthening bonds beyond the confines of conference rooms.

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