
European Cyber Security Month

The European Cybersecurity Month (ECSM) is the EU’s annual campaign dedicated to promoting cybersecurity among citizens and organisations, and to providing up-to-date online security information through awareness raising and sharing of good practices.

European Cyber Security Month

The European Cybersecurity Month (ECSM) is the EU’s annual campaign dedicated to promoting cybersecurity among citizens and organisations, and to providing up-to-date online security information through awareness raising and sharing of good practices. Each year, for the entire month of October, hundreds of activities take place across Europe, including conferences, workshops, trainings, webinars, presentations and more, to promote digital security and cyber hygiene.

The EU Agency for Cybersecurity coordinates the organisation of the ECSM campaign by acting as a “hub” for all participating Member States and EU Institutions, and by providing expert suggestions, generating synergies and promoting common messaging among EU citizens, businesses and public administration. The Agency also publishes new materials and provides expert advice on different cybersecurity topics for Member States’ audiences.

The main objectives of the European CyberSecMonth are the following:

  • Raise security awareness among a wide spectrum of addressees as defined in the EU Cyber Security Strategy.
  • Spread awareness about NIS Directive and its importance.
  • Promote rules of safer use of the Internet for all users.
  • Involve all important entities in raising security awareness.
  • Increase a media interest in raising security awareness across and outside Europe as well.
  • Enhance interest in cyber security topic through political and media coordination.

Hlavným odkazom ECSM je: The motto of the campaign is: Cyber Security is a Shared Responsibility!


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