
Impulz: Call for Applications

Today, June 1, 2023, the Slovak Academy of Sciences opened a call for applications for the IMPULZ 2023 grant program. For the third time, internationally recognized scientists and highly talented young researchers have the opportunity to realize their scientific goals in Slovakia under conditions close to the prestigious European grant. Selected projects can apply for funds of up to 160,000 euros per year. The call is open until midnight on August 31, 2023, the expected start of the project solution is in April 2024.

Impulz: Call for Applications

Today, June 1, 2023, the Slovak Academy of Sciences opened a call for applications for the IMPULZ 2023 grant program. For the third time, internationally recognized scientists and highly talented young researchers have the opportunity to realize their scientific goals in Slovakia under conditions close to the prestigious European grant. Selected projects can apply for funds of up to 160,000 euros per year. The call is open until midnight on August 31, 2023, the expected start of the project solution is in April 2024.

Program Impulz program aims to improve the quality of SAS scientific organizations through the recruitment of internationally recognized scientists and talented young researchers working abroad or in Slovakia. The task of these excellent researchers will be to create and manage their own research groups that will work on new research directions in accordance with current world trends. The scheme will provide excellent scientists with motivating conditions for their research, and the SAS scientific organizations will improve the quality of the research environment and scientific outputs. The IMPULZ program is intended to help increase research excellence, its internationalization and competitiveness across various scientific fields of the SAS in the European Research Area, and last but not least, success in obtaining prestigious European grants.

  • Open call: June 1, 2023, 9 a.m. CET
  • Deadline for applications: 31 August 2023, 23.59 CET
  • Estimated deadline for application review: February 2024
  • Estimated start of project implementation: April 2024

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