
TREX CoE & NCCs collab / Code tuning for the exascale

TREX centre of excellence together with 3 national competence centres delivered a three-day workshop „Code tuning for the exascale“. NCC Slovakia, Austria and Czech Republic teamed up to bring an interesting programme including advanced parallel programming, energy efficiency analysis and HPC application optimization. The workshop took place in Bratislava, Slovakia during June 5 – 7, 2023 and was organized in a face-to-face format.

TREX CoE & NCCs collab / Code tuning for the exascale

TREX centre of excellence together with 3 national competence centres delivered a three-day workshop „Code tuning for the exascale“. NCC Slovakia, Austria and Czech Republic teamed up to bring an interesting programme including advanced parallel programming, energy efficiency analysis and HPC application optimization. The workshop took place in Bratislava, Slovakia during June 5 – 7, 2023 and was organized in a face-to-face format.

This was a nice example of collaboration and support between the NCCs and a CoE. Three complementary topics were covered by the agenda. During the first day the team from Austrian NCC presented advanced parallel programming techniques (MPI, OpenMP), followed by the presentation of a trending topic of energy efficiency in HPC by the Czech NCC on the second day. The third day belonged to the TREX CoE, which presented a tool for HPC applications performance analysis and optimization called MAQAO. Organization, access to HPC and technical HPC support was given by the Slovak NCC.

We hope the workshop fulfilled its‘ purpose to equip the participants with information, tools, skills and competence to help the develop and run efficiently their own software utilizing modern HPC infrastructures.

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Privítajte Mistral-sk-7b! 3 Oct - Slovenská AI komunita sa po dlhom čase dočkala nového, tentoraz naozaj veľkého jazykového modelu pre slovenský jazyk.
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