Course Practical introduction to natural language processing
Radi by sme vám dali do pozornosti najnovší kurz organizovaný Národným kompetenčným centrom pre HPC: “Praktický úvod do spracovania prirodzeného jazyka”. Témou bude účastníkov sprevádzať skúsený lektor Marek Šuppa who presented NLP (natural language processing) and its potential for businesses already at the beginning of April during an interesting online lecture - you can watch the recording here.
The course will take place online on June 30 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The number of places is limited to 15, while everyone will have a unique opportunity to work during the exercises with the accelerated module of the new Slovak supercomputer Devana. We therefore want to invite interested parties to register only in case of serious interest.
During this course, participants will focus on an introduction to natural language processing; text representation, word vectors, text classification and neural networks for natural language processing. Together with the lecturer, they will also discuss HuggingFace Transformers and their practical use. The course includes hands-on exercises. A prerequisite for the course is programming experience in the Python programming language. Experience with PyTorch or Tensorflow frameworks is an advantage.