
MaX school: materials and molecular modelling with QUANTUM ESPRESSO

Dávame vám do pozornosti online školu organizovanú MaX CoE v spolupráci s Národnými kompetenčnými centrami pre vysokovýkonné počítanie z Česka, Rakúska, Slovenska, Slovinska, Poľska a Maďarska. Podujatie bude prebiehať v dňoch 19. – 21. jún 2024.

MaX school: materials and molecular modelling with QUANTUM ESPRESSO

An online school organized by MaX, in collaboration with: Czechia, Austria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Poland and Hungary- June 19-21, 2024.

The course encompasses a comprehensive curriculum designed to cover the primary features of the Quantum ESPRESSOThe emphasis is on practical skill development. The course strikes a balance between theory and application, offering a hands-on learning experience. It caters to a beginner to intermediate level, aiming to equip participants with the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary for the effective utilization of QUANTUM ESPRESSO in their research and academic pursuits.

The school is designed for participants with a background in condensed matter physics or chemistry interested in learning to use Quantum ESPRESSO.

The school plans to cover the main features of the code and provide basic user skills such as compilation, simple scripting, choice of parallel options, and similar.

More info about the event


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