
National Supercomputer Center was created in Slovakia

On November 18, the National SuperComputing Center (NSCC) was established, which will cover HPC (High Performance Computing) activities in Slovakia, including strengthening HPC competencies in close cooperation with the National Competence Centre for HPCdevelopment of HPC infrastructure, project support and investment in HPC.

National Supercomputer Center was created in Slovakia

On November 18, the National SuperComputing Center (NSCC) was established, which will cover HPC (High Performance Computing) activities in Slovakia, including strengthening HPC competencies in close cooperation with the National Competence Centre for HPCdevelopment of HPC infrastructure, project support and investment in HPC.

The National Supercomputing Center was established as a consortium of the Centre of Operations of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (COO SAS), the Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatization SR (MIRRI) and the I4DI (Innovations for Digital Infrastructure) association, whose members are Tachyum, Towercom and PosAm. During the first two years of the NSCC's activities, Lukáš Demovič, Director of COO SAS, will be the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and Radoslav Repa, General Director of the MIRRI Digital Agenda Section, will become the Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

The vision of the National Supercomputing Center project as an association of state institutions and the private sector is, among other things, to build a new supercomputer in Slovakia, which would be at a competitive performance level in Europe and allow more extensive and efficient use of HPC technologies and utilization of high-performance data analytics tools. artificial intelligence and machine learning by Slovak users. The NSCC, in cooperation with the National Competence Center for HPC, will participate in increasing competencies in these areas, in particular by providing free consultations and educational activities for small and medium-sized enterprises, industrial companies, government entities and, last but not least, academic institutions.

„Cieleným rozvojom HPC infraštruktúry a jej sprístupnením, zvyšovaním kompetencií, poskytovaním služieb a v neposlednom rade podporou národných projektov činnosť NSCC bezpochyby prispeje k zlepšeniu konkurencieschopnosti Slovenska nielen v oblasti inovácií,” povedal predseda správnej rady NSCC Lukáš Demovič.

The NSCC will be actively involved in European projects and international grant calls. It is expected that in the future it will represent Slovakia in European projects such as PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe) or EuroHPC (European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking).

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