
National Competence Centre for HPC at ITAPA

National Competence Centre for HPC took part at the largest IT conference in Slovakia – ITAPA. During this international congress Lukáš Demovič, director of the Centre of Operations of Slovak Academy of Sciences and Chairman of the Board of the National Supercomputing Center (NSCC) presented the EuroCC project and the National Competence Center for High-Performance Computing.

National Competence Centre for HPC at ITAPA

The 19th edition of the largest IT conference in Slovakia – ITAPA– took place on December 7 – 9, 2020. The EuroCC project and the National Competence centre for HPC was presented by Lukáš Demovič, director of the Centre of Operations of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and Chairman of the Board of the National Supercumputing centre (NSCC).

In his presentation, L. Demovič introduced the scope and goals of the EuroCC project and underlined the importance of HPC in many areas, such as innovations, digitalization and transformation of industry. The National competence centre for HPC provides services for SMEs, industry, public and academic sector and enables them to utilize HPC, AI HPDA and ML tools in their business or research.

The newly founded National supercomputing centre (NSCC) was established in 2020 as a consortium of the Centre of Operations SAS, the Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic and the I4DI organization. The NSCC is expected to cooperate closely with the NCC for HPC.

The importance and role of the basic and applied research in the transformation of industry was debated by L. Demovič during a discussion panel together with other participants, including the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of the Slovak Republic, Richard Sulík.

We are convinced that the EuroCC project will play a key role in overcoming barriers in introducing HPC/HPDA/AI solutions during the informatization and digitalization process and will increase the competence level in these areas in Slovakia significantly.

Reportage about NSCC

More info about the EuroCC project

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