
Services of the POP CoE

The Performance Optimisation and Productivity Centre of Excellence in HPC provides performance optimisation and productivity services for (your?) academic AND industrial code(s) in all domains!

Services of the POP CoE

The Performance Optimisation and Productivity Centre of Excellence in HPC provides performance optimisation and productivity services for (your?) academic AND industrial code(s) in all domains!

The idea that drives the POP CoE (Performance Optimisation and Productivity Centre of Excellence in HPC) is a simple one: to boost productivity of EU research and industry by providing free of charge services that help improve performance of high performance computing (HPC) and parallel software. The aim of POP is to offer our world-class HPC competence to organisations that want to understand software performance issues and to adopt parallel programming best practice.

Main services of the POP CoE are: Performance Audits, Improvement Plans, Proof-of-Concept demos, and Training.

  • Performance Audits are an initial analysis measuring a range of performance metrics to assess quality of performance and identify the issues affecting performance.
  • Improvement Plans undertake further performance evaluations to qualify and quantify solutions and estimate potential improvements.
  • Proof of Concept work uses extracted application kernels to demonstrate actual benefits from tuning and optimisation.
  • Training offers events and materials covering parallel profiling tools, programming models and parallelisation approaches.

Services are free of charge to organisations, SMEs, ISVs, companies in the EU!

 Services of POP CoE are provided for:

  • Code developers. (Assessment of detailed actual behavior, suggestion of most productive directions to refactor code…)
  • Users. (Assessment of achieved performance in specific production conditions, possible improvements modifying environment setup, evidence to interact with code provider...)
  • Infrastructure operators. (Assessment of achieved performance in production conditions, possible improvements from modifying environment setup, information for time computer time allocation processes, training of support staff...)
  • Vendors. (Benchmarking, customer support, system dimensioning/design...)
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