
National Competence Centre for HPC at SlovakiaTech Forum Expo

From 14th to 15th September 2021 the 3rd edition of the largest technological conference in Slovakia and the international innovation and technology trade fair SLOVAKIATECH FORUM-EXPO 2021 took place in the Kulturpark in Košice.

National Competence Centre for HPC at SlovakiaTech Forum Expo

From 14th to 15th September 2021 the 3rd edition of the largest technological conference in Slovakia and the international innovation and technology trade fair SLOVAKIATECH FORUM-EXPO 2021 took place in the Kulturpark in Košice.

The goal of the event was a meeting of Slovak and foreign experts in the field of innovation, industry and industrial technologies, energy, transport and logistics, environment and education, as well as a presentation of scientific and innovative potential of Slovak technological companies.

The National competence centre for HPC. was also present at the International Innovation and Technology Fair SlovakiaTech Forum - EXPO 2021. At the exhibition, we introduced the participants to NCC for HPC, explaining what is a supercomputer and high-performance computing. We also introduced our services, which include the provision of consultations, mediation of partnerships, free IT courses and the provision of machine time. Through the questionnaire, we found out how Slovakia is doing with high-performance computing, what companies and institutions in Slovakia have experience with it, where they see obstacles and in which areas they need consultations.  

The National Competence Centre for High-Performance Computing was established thanks to the European project EuroCC portal which is implemented in Slovakia by the Center for Joint Activities of the Slovak Academy of Sciences.

Nová spolupráca a komplexnejšia ponuka pre slovenské firmy 24 Apr - V Národnom kompetenčnom centre pre HPC sa tešíme z nášeho nového partnerstva s Inovačným centrom INOVIA v Žiline. Toto spojenie predstavuje významný míľnik v misii NCC pre HPC propagovať a podporovať adopciu vysokovýkonných výpočtových technológií naprieč slovenskými regiónmi a hospodárskymi sektormi. Využitie takýchto pokročilých digitálnych technológií je vo svete čoraz bežnejšie, napríklad pri pokročilých numerických simuláciách, spracovaní veľkých objemov dát a tiež pri vývoji modelov umelej inteligencie.
Uses of HPC for SMEs 21 Mar - Dňa 19. marca sa v Bratislave uskutočnilo podujatie s názvom Objavte potenciál supepročítača v praxi, ktoré združilo odborníkov z Národného kompetenčného centra HPC (NCC) a Slovenskej obchodnej a priemyselnej komory, čím sa otvorili nové horizonty prespoluprácu s podnikmi využívajúcimi veľké dáta, simulácie, umelú inteligenciu vo vývoji alebo výrobnej technológií.
EuroHPC JU: Prístup k superpočítačom pre aplikácie umelej inteligencie a pre dátovo náročné výpočtyEuroHPC JU: 15 Mar - The call is designed to serve industry organisations, small to medium enterprises (SMEs), startups, as well as public sector entities, requiring access to supercomputing resources to perform artificial intelligence and data intensive activities.