

On June 27, 2023, an event "CHEMSHOW" took place in the premises of the Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology (FCHPT) of the Slovak Technical University (STU). During the event, participants had the opportunity to learn more about activities of the NCC for HPC. Through an interactive demonstration of simulations of potential drugs against the Covid-19 disease, we brought the participants closer to what calculations supercomputers can be used for. Participants could watch the simulations on a screen and through 3D glasses.


On June 27, 2023 an event "CHEMSHOW" took place in the premises of the Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology (FCHPT) of the Slovak Technical University (STU). During the event, they also had the opportunity to learn more about the National Competence Centre for HPC and its activities. Experts presented services NCC for HPC. Through an interactive demonstration of simulations of potential drugs against the Covid-19 disease, we brought the participants closer to what calculations supercomputers can be used for. Participants could watch the simulations on a screen and through 3D glasses. 

At the chemshow, we presented the results of calculations of the interaction of potential drugs with the active part of the spike-protein unit, which forms tetramers present on the surface of the SARS-CoV2 virus, which causes the disease COVID19. Calculations were carried out using molecular mechanics methods using the GROMACS software. Six potential drugs were tested in the study. In this presentation, we mainly showed the trajectory of one of them. High school students had the opportunity to view the results on a projection with 3D glasses, where they could interactively change their view and protein display settings.

Why Do Enterprises Need Supercomputers? NCC for HPC at the Innovation Seminar 6 Mar - Dňa 6. marca sme sa zúčastnili odborno-informačného seminára s názvom „Podpora inovácií pre zlepšenie rastu a rozvoja malého a stredného podnikania v Nitrianskom kraji“. Podujatie organizovalo Regionálne centrum Nitra MIRRI SR v spolupráci s Nitrianskym samosprávnym krajom, Slovenskou poľnohospodárskou univerzitou v Nitre, Slovenskou inovačnou a energetickou agentúrou (SIEA) a Výskumnou a inovačnou autoritou (VAIA).
Join us for the HPC User Day 2025! 3 Mar - Máte záujem o vysokovýkonné výpočty? Využívate superpočítače alebo sa chcete dozvedieť viac o ich možnostiach? Pridajte sa k nám na HPC User Day 2025! Toto podujatie je určené nielen pre skúsených používateľov, ale aj pre tých, ktorí sa o HPC technológie začínajú zaujímať.
Protect Your Data! Tomorrow We Celebrate Safer Internet Day 10 Feb - 11. februára si pripomíname Deň bezpečnejšieho internetu (Safer Internet Day, SID), globálnu iniciatívu zameranú na zvýšenie povedomia o kybernetickej bezpečnosti a ochrane osobných údajov. Tento deň každoročne zdôrazňuje dôležitosť bezpečnosti v online priestore a podporuje aktivity, ktoré pomáhajú chrániť najmä mladých používateľov internetu.