
New Partnership with SOPK Bratislava

We are pleased to announce a new partnership between the National Competence Centre for High-Performance Computing (NCC for HPC) and the Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Bratislava Region (SOPK BA). This alliance is part of the HPC Ambassador program and aims to support innovations and the adoption of HPC technologies among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Slovakia.

New Partnership with SOPK Bratislava

We are pleased to announce a new partnership between the National Competence Centre for High-Performance Computing (NCC for HPC) and the Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Bratislava Region (SOPK BA). This alliance is part of the HPC Ambassador program and aims to support innovations and the adoption of HPC technologies among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Slovakia.

Collaboration Mechanism

As part of this collaboration, NCC for HPC will regularly provide information about its activities, training sessions, and services relevant to the members of SOPK BA. SOPK BA will disseminate this information among its members and identify companies ready to implement HPC technologies, linking them with NCC for HPC. This process will enable businesses to receive expert assistance and support in various research and development projects.

Benefits for SMEs

The partnership offers numerous advantages for Slovak SMEs, including:

  • Access to powerful computational resources.
  • Organization of training sessions and informative lectures focused on HPC technologies.
  • Support in the implementation of HPC technologies in research and development.
  • Collaboration with experts to carry out "proof-of-concept" projects.

We look forward to a successful collaboration and many joint initiatives that will add value to the Slovak business environment.

REGISTRÁCIA OTVORENÁ: Nová séria populárno-náučných prednášok o zaujímavých HPC aplikáciách 6 Oct - Otvorili sme registráciu na sériu prednášok v zimnom semestri 2024, kde sa budeme venovať fascinujúcim témam, v ktorých vysokovýkonné počítanie zohráva kľúčovú úlohu. Tento semester sa zameriame na oblasti ako meteorológia, klimatológia, chémia, veľké jazykové modely a mnoho ďalších.
Privítajte Mistral-sk-7b! 3 Oct - Slovenská AI komunita sa po dlhom čase dočkala nového, tentoraz naozaj veľkého jazykového modelu pre slovenský jazyk.
NCC for HPC at INOFEST 2024: Innovation Festival in Žilina 24 Sep - V dňoch 17. a 18. septembra 2024 sa v Žiline uskutočnil už piaty ročník festivalu inovácií INOFEST 2024, ktorý zorganizovalo združenie INOVATO. Podujatie sa stalo jedinečnou platformou pre stretnutie odborníkov, podnikateľov, akademikov, inovátorov, študentov, zástupcov štátnej správy a verejnosti, čím posilnilo spoluprácu v oblasti regionálnych inovačných ekosystémov na Slovensku.