
PRACE Spring school: Modelling Materials using HPC and AI/ML

This year the PRACE Spring school will be organized by the Centre of Operations, Slovak Academy of Sciences and will cover the topic of modelling materials using HPC and AI/ML tools and techniques. The workshop will be held on June 15 – 18, 2021 as an online/hybrid event.

PRACE Spring school: Modelling Materials using HPC and AI/ML

This year the PRACE Spring school will be organized by the Centre of Operations, Slovak Academy of Sciences and will cover the topic of modelling materials using HPC and AI/ML tools and techniques. The workshop will be held on June 15 – 18, 2021 as an online/hybrid event. Locally based participants may attend the seasonal school in person, if the pandemic situation and valid restrictions permit it.

We aim to deliver comprehensive information on the topic, from theoretical background, parallel algorithms implementation to effective deployment of applications and programs on the HPC environment.

The PRACE Spring school will also fucus on utilizing the AI/ML tools that are being progressively applied to real chemical problems, such as discovery of new chemical compounds and materials with specific properties.

The program comprises interesting lectures as well as practical hands-on sessions. Basic knowledge and background in theoretical chemistry or physics is a prerequisite.

The HERE , which is free of charge, is now OPEN until June 7, 2021 or until our capacities are full.

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