
Regional workshop of National Competence Centers in Central Europe.

Representatives of national HPC competence centers from the Central European region met on December 6 at the second meeting of the Central European NCC working group. The hybrid event was organized by NCC Poland in Krakow. Competence centers for HPC from Poland, Austria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary took part in the workshop.

Regionálny workshop národných kompetenčných centier v strednej Európe

Representatives of National Competence Centres for HPC from the Central European region met on December 6th at the second meeting of the Central European NCC working group. The hybrid event was organized by NCC Poland in Krakow. The workshop was attended by competence centers for HPC from Poland, Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary.

The agenda included 4 sessions focusing on education and communication, interaction with industry, collaboration, twinning, and mentoring. Participants worked in small groups, discussed specific topics, and exchanged best practices within each topic. Representatives of national competence centres discussed not only collaborations with SMEs and industry, scientific communities, or public administration but also among the competence centres from individual countries.

The communication section focused on promotion and communication channels, especially LinkedIn, and audience building. This section also included a passionate discussion and exchange of opinions and experiences among the NCCs teams.

Members of the working group also had the opportunity to address the issue of education. Participants discussed the most sought-after IT courses they provide and analyzed the shortcomings and problems they face in organizing them. They also delved into a currently very relevant topic: how ChatGPT can be helpful in training.

After successful presentations and discussions, NCC Poland organized a delightful tour of Christmas Krakow for the participants. A big thanks to the organizers for the awesome and productive meetings! Excited for more collaboration ahead!

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