
Collecting Marine Debris with HPC - ETP4HPC Webinar

We bring to your attention a webinar organized by FF4EuroHPC and ETP4HPC which will take place on Friday, July 8 (11:00 am - 12:00 pm). At the event two FF4EuroHPC success stories, focused on environmental impact, will be presented, showcasing the implementation of the HPC & AI technologies for business. The webinar will be really interesting for researcher, HPC providers, software developers and most important, business oriented companies.

Collecting Marine Debris with HPC - ETP4HPC Webinar

We bring to your attention a webinar organized by FF4EuroHPC and ETP4HPC  which will take place on Friday,  July 8 (11:00 am - 12:00 pm).  At the event two FF4EuroHPC success stories, focused on environmental impact, will be presented, showcasing the implementation of the HPC & AI technologies for business. The webinar will be really interesting for researcher, HPC providers, software developers and most important, business oriented companies.

The FF4EuroHPC project gives European SMEs the opportunity to use European high-end HPC services to develop innovative products or solutions. The two FF4EuroHPC open calls target high-quality experiments involving innovative, agile SMEs. Each experiment is an end-user-relevant case study demonstrating the use of Cloud-based HPC and the benefits it brings to the value chain from the end-user to the HPC-infrastructure provider.

This webinar will focus on two experiments related to environmental impact, which were both successfully concluded:

MARINE LITTER HUNTER – HPC-Based navigation system for an autonomous marine litter-hunting project

Emanuele Della Volpe, CEO and Aerospace Engineer at Green Tech Solution will introduce the Marine Litter Hunter experiment to the participants. Green Tech Solution (GTS) has automated the collection of marine litter thought real-time identification of floating plastic debris on the sea via unmanned vehicles that send GPS coordinates to an unmanned vessel, through a ground control station, which reaches and collects the plastic waste, without the intervention of operators.

The limited ability to predict the future position of the debris is limiting the efficiency of the entire system as the time and energy consumption of collection increases significantly. The HPC experiment allow us to drive into the next phase the collaboration of the unmanned systems for:

  • Marine Litter Recognition
  • Marine Litter Path Prediction
  • Marine Litter Recovery strategy Optimization

HERCULES – weather forecast for drone operation

Project Hercules will be presented by Jose L. Munoz Gamarra, echnical Director at Aslogic. The HERCULES project develops specific weather forecast models for drones, as due to their size they are much more vulnerable to adverse wind flight conditions. In this project, we have developed an approach independent of ground infrastructures.

More information


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