
National Competence Centre at Researchers' Night

The last Friday of September in Bratislava's Stara tržnica belonged to the European night of researchers. Also at the 16th year of this event, visitors had the opportunity to learn more about supercomputers and high-performance computing. Experts from the National Competence Center for High-Performance Computing (HPC) welcomed a number of curious visitors of various age groups to their stand, who were interested in supercomputers and their practical use. The team of the competence center briefly introduced NCC for HPC to the interested parties and, through a demonstration of one of the methods used in HPC, introduced the use of supercomputers in practice.

National Competence Centre at Researchers' Night

The main organizer of the event, the Slovak Organization for Research and Development Activities in cooperation with the Slovak Academy of Sciences also EurActiv.sk and Center for Scientific and Technical Information of the Slovak Republiconce again prepared a rich and extremely varied program that appealed to all age categories and interest groups.

The last Friday of September in Bratislava's Stara tržnica belonged to the European night of researchers. Also at the 16th year of this event, visitors had the opportunity to learn more about supercomputers and high-performance computing. Experts from the National Competence Center for High-Performance Computing (HPC) welcomed a number of curious visitors of various age groups to their stand, who were interested in supercomputers and their practical use. The team of the competence center briefly introduced NCC for HPC to the interested parties and, through a demonstration of one of the methods used in HPC, introduced the use of supercomputers in practice.

The motto of the 16th year was Trust science which encourages the audience, and especially young people, to activity and experiential learning. Through experiments and interactive demonstrations, they showed the participants that there are scientific explanations and principles behind all the phenomena around us and events in nature. The aim of the Night of Researchers was to encourage young people and the general public to try simple experiments at home and through them get to know science and the people behind it better.

The Science Festival European Night of Researchers is a project financially supported by the framework program of the European Commission for the support of research, development and innovation - Horizon Europe, in the part - Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions under the number 101060946. The European Night of Researchers originated from the initiative of the European Commission and is organized in parallel in 30 states of Europe. 

More info about the event.

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