
 EuroHPC user day in Brussels

We invite you to the EuroHPC User Day, which will take place on December 11, 2023 in Brussels from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The event will bring together EuroHPC users and give them the opportunity to learn more about the various topics and possibilities offered by EuroHPC JU.

 EuroHPC user day v Bruseli

We invite you to the EuroHPC user day which will be held on December 11, 2023 in Brussels from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. The event will bring together EuroHPC users and provide them with an opportunity to learn more about the various topics and opportunities offered by the EuroHPC JU.

The dissemination event will bring together EuroHPC Users and will be the occasion for users to attend parallel sessions, learn about different topics and deepen their understanding on the possibilities offered by the EuroHPC JU. In this occasion, users will be invited to present their projects and experience, and the EuroHPC JU will create a book of proceedings with those projects that will submit their manuscripts.

The event will start with a plenary session in which the EuroHPC JU will introduce the EuroHPC systems, the user support and the EuroHPC User Forum. During the second half of the morning, the plenary will continue providing insights on specific domain, including EuroHPC Quantum Technologies, the NCCs and CoEs and the access policy. The Destination Earth project will also present their recent achievements on EuroHPC JU systems. Destination Earth, ktoré sa im podarilo dosiahnuť vďaka využitiu systémov EuroHPC JU.

In the afternoon, there will be several parallel sessions. The first three sessions will be on Computer Science, Computational Physics and Universe Science. These will be followed by three sessions on AI, Engineering and Computational, Chemistry and System Biology. The User Day will conclude with a final plenary session, summarising what was discussed during the day, and providing an overview on future event and activities of the EuroHPC JU.

The dissemination event will be held in person in the Charlemagne building, in Brussels.

The event will be held in English. The morning plenary session will be live streamed. Live stream.

More information

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