
EuroCC Supercomputing Accelerator webinar: Explainable AI

EuroCC Slovakia has joined the #EuroCC Supercomputing Accelerator. The Supercomputing accelerator is a one-stop shop for adopting supercomputing to your advantage and save money. Join us for our webinar, which will be on the topic of: Explainable #AI

EuroCC Supercomputing Accelerator webinar: Explainable AI

EuroCC Slovakia has joined the #EuroCC Supercomputing Accelerator. The Supercomputing accelerator is a one-stop shop for adopting supercomputing to your advantage and save money. Join us for our webinar, which will be on the topic of: Explainable #AI

The presentation is divided into two parts. In the first part, we are going to provide an introduction to an exciting research field of eXplainable AI (XAI) and show some interesting applications, including how XAI methods help us to discover hidden flaws hidden inside big black-box models. In the second part, we are going to demonstrate how we utilize Devana in our daily work and how its HPC capabilities help us to boost our research.

Speakers: Martin Tamajka – Lead Research engineer ( Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies) and Ján Čegiň – PhD student ( Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies)
Date: 13. December; 16:00 CET
Venue: online via zoom

A few days before the webinar registered participants will receive an invitation to an online zoom meeting.

About EuroCC Supercomputing Accelerator

EuroCC Supercomputing Accelerator is a free service package to adopt supercomputing for business, research and innovation. EuroCC Supercomputing Accelerator is intended for companies from various areas

Supercomputing technology helps businesses accelerate computing tasks and reduce time-to-market. EuroCC Supercomputing Accelerator is the all-you-need package to adopt supercomputing, step by step, and save more than €116,000 in doing so.

Whether you need to train artificial intelligence, run complex models or want to transform big data into big success, we will help you find the solution you need — through consulting, training and technical support.

The call is open for all countries affiliated with EuroCC.
More info about EuroCC Supercomputing Accelerator.

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