Calls-Current General

Call for Ideas: Seeking Slovak SME Partners for FFPlus Project Consortium

NCC Slovakia hľadá slovenských MSP partnerov na vytvorenie konzorcia pre návrh prestížneho projektu FFPlus. Cieľom je využiť vysokovýkonné počítanie pri riešení špecifických obchodných výziev zahŕňajúcich napr. modelovanie a simulácie, analýzu údajov, AI atď.

Call for Ideas: Seeking Slovak SME Partners for FFPlus Project Consortium

NCC Slovakia hľadá slovenských MSP partnerov na vytvorenie konzorcia pre návrh prestížneho projektu FFPlusis looking for Slovak SME partners to form a consortium for the prestigious FFPlus project proposal. The aim is to leverage High-Performance Computing (HPC) in addressing specific business challenges comprising e.g. modelling and simulation, data analytics, AI, etc. and achieving significant industrial impact.

The selected SMEs can benefit from our or state-of-the-art European Tier-0 HPC infrastructure, code efficiency optimization and/or parallelization, and domain and technical support. The expected output is a Success story in form of a white paper with no obligation in revealing details of the technical solution, or any other proprietary / IP information or data.

What We Offer:

  • HPC Infrastructure: Access to state-of-the-art HPC systems.
  • Technical Support and co-development: Expert guidance in HPC utilization, workflow and code optimization and parallelization.
  • Application Guidance: NCC Slovakia will guide and accompany partners throughout the application process.

Expected Output:

  • White Paper: A short success story documenting the business impact achieved through HPC adoption. Note: There is no open science condition for this output.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Uptake of HPC by SMEs: Targeting businesses with no prior experience in HPC to solve real-world challenges.
  • Positive Business Impact: Demonstrate how HPC adoption leads to tangible business benefits.
  • Diverse Application Domains: Prioritizing projects with the highest business impact potential.


  • Slovak SMEs: Must have less than 250 employees and an annual turnover of less than 50 million EUR.
  • Non-Research-Oriented: SMEs should be commercially driven, focus on acedemic / fundamental research is not supported.

Project Details:

  • Submission Deadline: September 4th, 2024, 17:00 Brussels local time
  • Project Duration: Maximum of 15 months, starting January 1st, 2025
  • Funding Budget: Total of €4M for all sub-projects
  • Maximum Funding per Experiment: Up to 200 K€, up to 150 K€ per organization in the consortium. Main participant, i.e. SME, can participate in only one experiment.
  • Total maximum number of consortium partners: 5 - main participant and supporting participants

Proposal Expectations:

  • Alignment: Clearly define the business challenge and the necessity of HPC use.
  • Impact: Present the potential positive business impact.
  • Objectives: Set specific, achievable goals.
  • Consortium: Include all necessary parties for effective project execution.
  • Resources and Costs: Outline required resources and associated costs.
  • Data Protection: Address any data protection concerns.
  • Success Stories: Support in generating publishable success stories.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Format: Proposals must be submitted in English and comprise two parts: Part A (administrative information) and Part B (proposal body).
  • Electronic Submission: Proposals must be submitted electronically using the designated submission tool.

Join us in demonstrating the transformative potential of HPC for SMEs. Contact NCC Slovakia today, aby sme mohli vybudovať partnerstvo a spoločne sa uchádzať o tento projekt.

Fortissimo: call for proposal for SME