We would like to invite you to the webinar to present the outputs and results through business benefits organisations gained while implementing HPC, AI and other advanced technologies for business in various industrial sectors.
When: 23th of June 2023 from 9:00 to 13:15 CET
Where online
You can find a detailed program and more information HERE.
Protect Your Data! Tomorrow We Celebrate Safer Internet Day10 Feb-11. februára si pripomíname Deň bezpečnejšieho internetu (Safer Internet Day, SID), globálnu iniciatívu zameranú na zvýšenie povedomia o kybernetickej bezpečnosti a ochrane osobných údajov. Tento deň každoročne zdôrazňuje dôležitosť bezpečnosti v online priestore a podporuje aktivity, ktoré pomáhajú chrániť najmä mladých používateľov internetu.
Devana: Výzva na podávanie projektov pre štandardný prístup k HPC 1/2519 Jan-Výzva na podávanie projektov pre štandardný prístup k
HPC 1/25 je otvorená. Projekty je možné podávať v rámci otvorených výziev 3 krát do roka. O prístup je
možné požiadať výhradne prostredníctvom používateľského portálu register.nscc.sk.
Odborná konferencia Superpočítač a Slovensko v Bratislave15 Nov-Dňa 14. novembra 2024 sa v hoteli Devín v Bratislave uskutočnila odborná konferencia s názvom Superpočítač a Slovensko, ktorú zorganizovalo Ministerstvo investícií, regionálneho rozvoja a informatizácie SR. Konferencia sa zameriavala na aktuálne trendy a vývoj v oblasti vysokorýchlostného počítania na Slovensku. Súčasťou podujatia bola prezentácia L. Demovičovej z Národného kompetenčného centra pre HPC.
Course Practical introduction to natural language processing
Radi by sme vám dali do pozornosti najnovší kurz organizovaný Národným kompetenčným centrom pre HPC: “Praktický úvod do spracovania prirodzeného jazyka”. Témou bude účastníkov sprevádzať skúsený lektor Marek Šuppa who presented NLP (natural language processing) and its potential for businesses already at the beginning of April during an interesting online lecture - you can watch the recording here.
The course will take place online on June 30 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The number of places is limited to 15, while everyone will have a unique opportunity to work during the exercises with the accelerated module of the new Slovak supercomputer Devana. We therefore want to invite interested parties to register only in case of serious interest.
During this course, participants will focus on an introduction to natural language processing; text representation, word vectors, text classification and neural networks for natural language processing. Together with the lecturer, they will also discuss HuggingFace Transformers and their practical use. The course includes hands-on exercises. A prerequisite for the course is programming experience in the Python programming language. Experience with PyTorch or Tensorflow frameworks is an advantage.
Protect Your Data! Tomorrow We Celebrate Safer Internet Day10 Feb-11. februára si pripomíname Deň bezpečnejšieho internetu (Safer Internet Day, SID), globálnu iniciatívu zameranú na zvýšenie povedomia o kybernetickej bezpečnosti a ochrane osobných údajov. Tento deň každoročne zdôrazňuje dôležitosť bezpečnosti v online priestore a podporuje aktivity, ktoré pomáhajú chrániť najmä mladých používateľov internetu.
Devana: Výzva na podávanie projektov pre štandardný prístup k HPC 1/2519 Jan-Výzva na podávanie projektov pre štandardný prístup k
HPC 1/25 je otvorená. Projekty je možné podávať v rámci otvorených výziev 3 krát do roka. O prístup je
možné požiadať výhradne prostredníctvom používateľského portálu register.nscc.sk.
Odborná konferencia Superpočítač a Slovensko v Bratislave15 Nov-Dňa 14. novembra 2024 sa v hoteli Devín v Bratislave uskutočnila odborná konferencia s názvom Superpočítač a Slovensko, ktorú zorganizovalo Ministerstvo investícií, regionálneho rozvoja a informatizácie SR. Konferencia sa zameriavala na aktuálne trendy a vývoj v oblasti vysokorýchlostného počítania na Slovensku. Súčasťou podujatia bola prezentácia L. Demovičovej z Národného kompetenčného centra pre HPC.
Today, June 1, 2023, the Slovak Academy of Sciences opened a call for applications for the IMPULZ 2023 grant program. For the third time, internationally recognized scientists and highly talented young researchers have the opportunity to realize their scientific goals in Slovakia under conditions close to the prestigious European grant. Selected projects can apply for funds of up to 160,000 euros per year. The call is open until midnight on August 31, 2023, the expected start of the project solution is in April 2024.
Program Impulz program aims to improve the quality of SAS scientific organizations through the recruitment of internationally recognized scientists and talented young researchers working abroad or in Slovakia. The task of these excellent researchers will be to create and manage their own research groups that will work on new research directions in accordance with current world trends. The scheme will provide excellent scientists with motivating conditions for their research, and the SAS scientific organizations will improve the quality of the research environment and scientific outputs. The IMPULZ program is intended to help increase research excellence, its internationalization and competitiveness across various scientific fields of the SAS in the European Research Area, and last but not least, success in obtaining prestigious European grants.
Open call: June 1, 2023, 9 a.m. CET
Deadline for applications: 31 August 2023, 23.59 CET
Estimated deadline for application review: February 2024
Estimated start of project implementation: April 2024
Protect Your Data! Tomorrow We Celebrate Safer Internet Day10 Feb-11. februára si pripomíname Deň bezpečnejšieho internetu (Safer Internet Day, SID), globálnu iniciatívu zameranú na zvýšenie povedomia o kybernetickej bezpečnosti a ochrane osobných údajov. Tento deň každoročne zdôrazňuje dôležitosť bezpečnosti v online priestore a podporuje aktivity, ktoré pomáhajú chrániť najmä mladých používateľov internetu.
Devana: Výzva na podávanie projektov pre štandardný prístup k HPC 1/2519 Jan-Výzva na podávanie projektov pre štandardný prístup k
HPC 1/25 je otvorená. Projekty je možné podávať v rámci otvorených výziev 3 krát do roka. O prístup je
možné požiadať výhradne prostredníctvom používateľského portálu register.nscc.sk.
Odborná konferencia Superpočítač a Slovensko v Bratislave15 Nov-Dňa 14. novembra 2024 sa v hoteli Devín v Bratislave uskutočnila odborná konferencia s názvom Superpočítač a Slovensko, ktorú zorganizovalo Ministerstvo investícií, regionálneho rozvoja a informatizácie SR. Konferencia sa zameriavala na aktuálne trendy a vývoj v oblasti vysokorýchlostného počítania na Slovensku. Súčasťou podujatia bola prezentácia L. Demovičovej z Národného kompetenčného centra pre HPC.
Use case: Transfer and optimization of CFD calculations workflow in HPC environment
Authors: Ján Škoviera (National competence centre for HPC), Sylvain Suzan (Shark Aero)
Shark Aero company designs and manufactures ultralight sport aircrafts with two-seat tandem cockpit. For design development they use popular open-source software package openFOAM [1]. The CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulations use the Finite Elements Method (FEM). After the model is created, using a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software, it is divided into discrete cells, so called “mesh”. The simulation accuracy depends strongly on mesh density with the computational and memory requirements rising with the 3rd power of the number of mesh vertices.
For some simulations the computational demands can be a limiting factor. Workflow transfer into High-Performance Computing (HPC) environment was thus undertaken, with a special focus on the investigation of computational tasks parallelization efficiency for a given model type.
Compute nodes with 2x6 cores Intel Xeon L5640 @ 2,27GHz, 48 GB RAM and 2x500 GB were used for this project. All calculations were done in a standard HPC environment using Slurm job scheduling system. This is an acceptable solution for this type of workloads where no real-time response, nor immediate data processing is required.
For the CFD simulations we continued to use OpenFOAM & ParaView version 9 software packages. Singularity container was used for calculation deployment, having in mind potential transfer of the workload to another HPC system. The speed-up gained from just straight away transfer to HPC system was approximately 1.5x compared to a standard laptop.
Parallelized task execution can increase the speed of the overall calculation by utilizing more computing units concurrently. In order to parallelize the task one needs to divide the original mesh into domains - parts that will be processed concurrently. The domains, however, need to communicate through the processor boundaries i.e. domain sides where the original enclosing mesh was divided. The larger the processor boundary surface is, the more I/O is required in order to resolve the boundary conditions. Processor boundary communication is facilitated by the distributed memory Message Passing Interface (MPI) protocol, and the distinction of difference between CPU cores and different compute nodes is abstracted from user. This leads to certain limitations on efficient usage of many parallel processes, since overly parallelized job executions can be actually slower due to communication and I/O bottlenecks. Therefore, the domains should be created in a way that minimizes the processor boundaries. One possible strategy is to divide the original mesh only in co-planar direction with the smallest side of the original enclosing mesh. By careless division into domains the amount of data to be transferred increases beyond reasonable measure. If one chooses to use mesh division in multiple axes, one also creates more processor boundaries.
Figure 1: Illustration of mesh segmentation. The encoling mesh is represented by the transparent boxes
The calculations were done in four steps: enclosing mesh creation, mesh segmentation, model inclusion and CFD simulation. The enclosing mesh creation was done using the blockMesh utility, the mesh segmentation step was done using the decomposePar utility, the model inclusion was done using the snappyHexMesh program, and the CFD simulation itself was done using SimpleFoam. The most computationally demanding step is snappyHexMesh. This is understandable from the fact that while in CFD simulation the calculation needs to be done several times for every edge of the mesh and every iteration, in the case of model inclusion one creates new vertices and deletes old ones based on the position of vertices in the model mesh. This requires creation of an “octree” (partitioning of three-dimensional space by recursively subdividing it into eight octants), repeated inverse search, and octree re-balancing. Each of these processes is N*log(N) in the best case scenario, and N2 in the worst case, N being the number of vertices. The CFD itself scales linearly with number of edges, i.e. “close to” linearly with N (only spatially proximate nodes are interconnected).2 We developed a workflow that creates a number of domains that can be directly parallelized with the yz plane (x being the axis of the aircraft nose), which simplifies the decision making. After inclusion of a new model, one can simply specify the number of domains and run the calculation minimizing the human intervention needed to parallelize the calculation.
The relative speedup of the processes calculation is mainly determined by limited I/O. If the computational tasks are well below I/O bounding, the speed is inversely proportional to the number of domains. In less demanding calculations, i.e. for small models, the processes can be easily over-parallelized.
Figure 2: Dependence of real elapsed time on the number of processes for snappyHexMesh and simpleFoam. In the case of simpleFoam the time starts to diverge for more than 8 processes, since the data trafic overcomes the paralellization advantage. Ideal scaling shows the theoretical time needed to finish the calculation, if the data trafic and processor boundary condition resolution was not involved.
Once the mesh density is high enough, the time to calculate the CFD step is also inversely proportional to the number of parallel processes. As shown in the second pair of figures with twofold increase in mesh density, the calculations are below I/O bounding even in the CFD step. Even though the CFD step is in this case comparatively fast to the meshing process, the calculation of long time intervals could make it the most time consuming step.
The aircraft parts design requires simulations of a relatively small models multiple times under altering conditions. The mesh density needed for these simulations falls into medium category.
When transferring the calculations to the HPC environment, we had to take into account the real needs of the end user in terms of model size, mesh density and result precision required. There are several advantages of using HPC:
The end user is relieved of the need to maintain his own computational capacities.
Even when restricted to single thread jobs the simulations can be offloaded to HPC with high speed up, making even very demanding and precise calculations feasible.
For even more effective calculations a simple way of utilizing parallelization was determined, for this particular workload. Limitations of parallel runs for the given use case and conditions were identified. The total increase in speed that was reached in practical conditions is 7.3 times. The speed-up generally grows with the calculation complexity and the mesh precision.
Intent Classification for Bank Chatbots through LLM Fine-Tuning12 Sep-Tento článok hodnotí použitie veľkých jazykových modelov na klasifikáciu intentov v chatbote s preddefinovanými odpoveďami, určenom pre webové stránky bankového sektora. Zameriavame sa na efektivitu modelu SlovakBERT a porovnávame ho s použitím multilingválnych generatívnych modelov, ako sú Llama 8b instruct a Gemma 7b instruct, v ich predtrénovaných aj fine-tunovaných verziách. Výsledky naznačujú, že SlovakBERT dosahuje lepšie výsledky než ostatné modely, a to v presnosti klasifikácie ako aj v miere falošne pozitívnych predikcií.
Leveraging LLMs for Efficient Religious Text Analysis5 Aug-The analysis and research of texts with religious themes have historically been the domain of philosophers, theologians, and other social sciences specialists. With the advent of artificial intelligence, such as the large language models (LLMs), this task takes on new dimensions. These technologies can be leveraged to reveal various insights and nuances contained in religious texts — interpreting their symbolism and uncovering their meanings. This acceleration of the analytical process allows researchers to focus on specific aspects of texts relevant to their studies.
Mapping Tree Positions and Heights Using PointCloud Data Obtained Using LiDAR Technology25 Jul-Cieľom spolupráce medzi Národným superpočítačovým centrom (NSCC) a firmou SKYMOVE, v rámci projektu Národného kompetenčného centra pre HPC, bol návrh a implementácia pilotného softvérového riešenia pre spracovanie dát získaných technológiou LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) umiestnených na dronoch.
Summer School: From Supramolecular Chemistry to Structural Biology by Multiscale Modelling Methods
Computer simulations have become a valuable tool for expanding our knowledge in many areas. Steadily increasing performance of supercomputers or even desktop computers allows us to simulate bigger systems or achieve higher accuracy employing routine simulations. However, proper predictions can only be obtained if correct models and theoretical approaches are employed. Thus, this course aims to provide essential foundations for performing computer simulations and how to avoid typical errors coming from misunderstanding employed approximations. The lectures will span the vast range of molecular modeling methods addressing problems from supramolecular chemistry to structural biology. The course will be composed of theoretical lectures complemented by practical sessions exercising typical simulation techniques in each discipline. This course is particularly suited for bachelor and masters students who are interested in continuing their studies into a PhD and a career in research.
Protect Your Data! Tomorrow We Celebrate Safer Internet Day10 Feb-11. februára si pripomíname Deň bezpečnejšieho internetu (Safer Internet Day, SID), globálnu iniciatívu zameranú na zvýšenie povedomia o kybernetickej bezpečnosti a ochrane osobných údajov. Tento deň každoročne zdôrazňuje dôležitosť bezpečnosti v online priestore a podporuje aktivity, ktoré pomáhajú chrániť najmä mladých používateľov internetu.
Devana: Výzva na podávanie projektov pre štandardný prístup k HPC 1/2519 Jan-Výzva na podávanie projektov pre štandardný prístup k
HPC 1/25 je otvorená. Projekty je možné podávať v rámci otvorených výziev 3 krát do roka. O prístup je
možné požiadať výhradne prostredníctvom používateľského portálu register.nscc.sk.
Odborná konferencia Superpočítač a Slovensko v Bratislave15 Nov-Dňa 14. novembra 2024 sa v hoteli Devín v Bratislave uskutočnila odborná konferencia s názvom Superpočítač a Slovensko, ktorú zorganizovalo Ministerstvo investícií, regionálneho rozvoja a informatizácie SR. Konferencia sa zameriavala na aktuálne trendy a vývoj v oblasti vysokorýchlostného počítania na Slovensku. Súčasťou podujatia bola prezentácia L. Demovičovej z Národného kompetenčného centra pre HPC.
On May 9, the "birthday celebration" of the European Union took place in Bratislava's Stara tržnica. The Europe Day event was organized by the Office of the European Parliament and the Representation of the European Commission. The team of the National Competence Centre for High-Performance Computing also presented its activities on Europe Day. On Europe Day, we commemorate the Schuman Declaration which started modern European integration and led to the creation of the current European Union as a unique peaceful and democratic project. Schuman Declaration which started modern European integration and led to the creation of the current European Union as a unique peaceful and democratic project.
Lucia Demovičová, Halyna Hyryavets, NCC pre HPC
Information stands of EU member states, the European Parliament and the European Commission were available to the general public. The event also featured the stand of the National Competence Centre for High-Performance Computing (NCC for HPC). The NCC team presented the activities and services of the National Competence Centre for HPC. Through an interactive demonstration of simulations of potential drugs against the Covid-19 disease, we brought the participants closer to what calculations supercomputers can be used for. During the event, Lucia Demovičová spoke on stage and presented the National Competence Centre for HPC to the public. She explained how the competence centre can help scientists, researchers, and also small and medium-sized entrepreneurs. She also presented successful examples of cooperation with the private and public sector and invited participants to our information stand.
„Cooperation between countries based on peace, freedom and mutual respect is not a matter of course even today. Let us therefore appreciate that Slovakia can be part of the European Union, which protects these values. Since European elections await us next year, the Europe Day celebrations will also be an evaluation of what European democracy has brought us in practice over the past four years. The events will focus on specific results of the European Parliament's work in areas such as EU energy independence, internet security, defense of democracy, support for Ukraine and fair transformation of the economy in the fight against climate change," said the head of the EP Office in Slovakia, Robert Sermek.
„Every year on May 9, we celebrate the achievements and unity of Europe. The signing of the Schuman Declaration in 1950 laid the foundations for cooperation between European countries and today's European Union. Slovaks do not want to be foreigners in Europe, it is our home, and therefore Europe Day is also a great opportunity to celebrate our common European identity across all member states. The symbolism of this day confirms the unity of Europeans and at the same time expresses the beauty of a number of different cultures, languages and traditions that benefit the entire European Union and all Europeans",“ uviedol vedúci Zastúpenia Európskej komisie na Slovensku Vladimír Šucha.
Stará tržnica, BratislavaUkážka simulácií na superpočítači DevanaStánok NCC pre HPCNational Competence Centre for HPCLucia Demovičová, Halyna Hyryavets, NCC pre HPCNCC pre HPC na Dni Európy Simulácie potenciálnych liečiv proti ochoreniu Covid-19Deň Európy Lucia Demovičová, Ján Gordulič, Deň EurópyDeň Európy, NCC pre HPC
Protect Your Data! Tomorrow We Celebrate Safer Internet Day10 Feb-11. februára si pripomíname Deň bezpečnejšieho internetu (Safer Internet Day, SID), globálnu iniciatívu zameranú na zvýšenie povedomia o kybernetickej bezpečnosti a ochrane osobných údajov. Tento deň každoročne zdôrazňuje dôležitosť bezpečnosti v online priestore a podporuje aktivity, ktoré pomáhajú chrániť najmä mladých používateľov internetu.
Devana: Výzva na podávanie projektov pre štandardný prístup k HPC 1/2519 Jan-Výzva na podávanie projektov pre štandardný prístup k
HPC 1/25 je otvorená. Projekty je možné podávať v rámci otvorených výziev 3 krát do roka. O prístup je
možné požiadať výhradne prostredníctvom používateľského portálu register.nscc.sk.
Odborná konferencia Superpočítač a Slovensko v Bratislave15 Nov-Dňa 14. novembra 2024 sa v hoteli Devín v Bratislave uskutočnila odborná konferencia s názvom Superpočítač a Slovensko, ktorú zorganizovalo Ministerstvo investícií, regionálneho rozvoja a informatizácie SR. Konferencia sa zameriavala na aktuálne trendy a vývoj v oblasti vysokorýchlostného počítania na Slovensku. Súčasťou podujatia bola prezentácia L. Demovičovej z Národného kompetenčného centra pre HPC.
On June 5-7, 2023, in cooperation with the TREX Center of Excellence and the National Competence Centers for HPC from Austria and the Czech Republic, we are organizing a hands-on workshop focused on the development of HPC applications. Participants will be able to try working with tools for performance analysis and identification of bottlenecks, such as MAQAO. (www.maqao.org). The workshop will include practical exercises, it will be possible to work with your own software, analyze it and consult with expert lecturers.
The workshop is targeting specifically code developers and will be focused on code optimisation. Participants are encouraged to bring their own codes to learn about techniques, methods and solutions on how to improve them both in terms of performance and in terms of scalability across multiple platforms.
What are the main goals of this workshop?
Increasing practical experience in performance, power consumption, and energy efficiency in HPC systems.
Helping participants to optimise codes to make sure the implementation match their HPC objectives;
Provide hands-on experience with practical QMC simulations based on CHAMP code.
What can you expect from the workshop?
During the first day,participants will work together with experts from the Austrian Competence Center for HPC on advanced parallel programming (MPI+X).
The second day of the program will be devoted to the analysis of the performance of parallel applications, the measurement of energy consumption and the evaluation of energy efficiency on HPC systems under the guidance of experts from the Czech Competence Center for HPC.
On the last day, participants will explore and analyze the main bottlenecks in node-level application optimization: vectorization, code quality, locality and parallelism. Participants will work under the guidance of experts from TREX CoE.
All topics will be covered in lectures as well as in practical hands-on sessions.The workshop will take place F2F at the SAV campus on Patrónka in Bratislava. Full programme of the workshop will be available in the coming weeks.
The workshop is targeting developers and advanced HPC users with experience in parallel programming and C and/or C++ and/or Fortran programming languages.
Attendees are kindly requested to bring their own laptop.
Protect Your Data! Tomorrow We Celebrate Safer Internet Day10 Feb-11. februára si pripomíname Deň bezpečnejšieho internetu (Safer Internet Day, SID), globálnu iniciatívu zameranú na zvýšenie povedomia o kybernetickej bezpečnosti a ochrane osobných údajov. Tento deň každoročne zdôrazňuje dôležitosť bezpečnosti v online priestore a podporuje aktivity, ktoré pomáhajú chrániť najmä mladých používateľov internetu.
Devana: Výzva na podávanie projektov pre štandardný prístup k HPC 1/2519 Jan-Výzva na podávanie projektov pre štandardný prístup k
HPC 1/25 je otvorená. Projekty je možné podávať v rámci otvorených výziev 3 krát do roka. O prístup je
možné požiadať výhradne prostredníctvom používateľského portálu register.nscc.sk.
Odborná konferencia Superpočítač a Slovensko v Bratislave15 Nov-Dňa 14. novembra 2024 sa v hoteli Devín v Bratislave uskutočnila odborná konferencia s názvom Superpočítač a Slovensko, ktorú zorganizovalo Ministerstvo investícií, regionálneho rozvoja a informatizácie SR. Konferencia sa zameriavala na aktuálne trendy a vývoj v oblasti vysokorýchlostného počítania na Slovensku. Súčasťou podujatia bola prezentácia L. Demovičovej z Národného kompetenčného centra pre HPC.
V dňoch 12. – 14. júna na pôde Humboldtovej univerzity v Berlíne bude prebiehať workshop a hackathon Exascale women on stage! This event is organized by women for women to learn about each others' research and build professional networks. The event is open to all female scientists at all professional levels – including master students, PhD students, postdocs, and professors – working on the development of methods and codes to bring electronic-structure theory to the exascale.The workshop is organized by the NOMAD CoE.
The event serves two purposes:
First, the scientists will discuss their research and share experiences.
Second, they will gather ideas and develop a joint strategy on how to attract more female colleagues to the field. In a hackathon style, they will develop materials for their needs.
Protect Your Data! Tomorrow We Celebrate Safer Internet Day10 Feb-11. februára si pripomíname Deň bezpečnejšieho internetu (Safer Internet Day, SID), globálnu iniciatívu zameranú na zvýšenie povedomia o kybernetickej bezpečnosti a ochrane osobných údajov. Tento deň každoročne zdôrazňuje dôležitosť bezpečnosti v online priestore a podporuje aktivity, ktoré pomáhajú chrániť najmä mladých používateľov internetu.
Devana: Výzva na podávanie projektov pre štandardný prístup k HPC 1/2519 Jan-Výzva na podávanie projektov pre štandardný prístup k
HPC 1/25 je otvorená. Projekty je možné podávať v rámci otvorených výziev 3 krát do roka. O prístup je
možné požiadať výhradne prostredníctvom používateľského portálu register.nscc.sk.
Odborná konferencia Superpočítač a Slovensko v Bratislave15 Nov-Dňa 14. novembra 2024 sa v hoteli Devín v Bratislave uskutočnila odborná konferencia s názvom Superpočítač a Slovensko, ktorú zorganizovalo Ministerstvo investícií, regionálneho rozvoja a informatizácie SR. Konferencia sa zameriavala na aktuálne trendy a vývoj v oblasti vysokorýchlostného počítania na Slovensku. Súčasťou podujatia bola prezentácia L. Demovičovej z Národného kompetenčného centra pre HPC.
We would like to invite you to a popularization lecture focused on Natural Language Processing. NLP refers to a branch of computer sciences—and more specifically the branch of artificial intelligence or AI—concerned with giving computers the ability to understand text and spoken words in much the same way human beings can. This method is also used by currently very popular ChatGPT.
The aim of the lecture is to provide a comprehensive view on NLP and outline the potential of its use for small and medium-sized enterprises. Marek Šuppa from the Comenius University and Slido company will introduce you to NLP.
During the lecture we will talk about:
What are modern language models and how are they created?
How these models can be used practically?
How much does it cost to train and operate such models?
Aké sú očakávania od NLP v budúcnosti.
The event will take place online on April 3 from 5:00 p.m. The number of places is limited and registration mandatory.
Protect Your Data! Tomorrow We Celebrate Safer Internet Day10 Feb-11. februára si pripomíname Deň bezpečnejšieho internetu (Safer Internet Day, SID), globálnu iniciatívu zameranú na zvýšenie povedomia o kybernetickej bezpečnosti a ochrane osobných údajov. Tento deň každoročne zdôrazňuje dôležitosť bezpečnosti v online priestore a podporuje aktivity, ktoré pomáhajú chrániť najmä mladých používateľov internetu.
Devana: Výzva na podávanie projektov pre štandardný prístup k HPC 1/2519 Jan-Výzva na podávanie projektov pre štandardný prístup k
HPC 1/25 je otvorená. Projekty je možné podávať v rámci otvorených výziev 3 krát do roka. O prístup je
možné požiadať výhradne prostredníctvom používateľského portálu register.nscc.sk.
Odborná konferencia Superpočítač a Slovensko v Bratislave15 Nov-Dňa 14. novembra 2024 sa v hoteli Devín v Bratislave uskutočnila odborná konferencia s názvom Superpočítač a Slovensko, ktorú zorganizovalo Ministerstvo investícií, regionálneho rozvoja a informatizácie SR. Konferencia sa zameriavala na aktuálne trendy a vývoj v oblasti vysokorýchlostného počítania na Slovensku. Súčasťou podujatia bola prezentácia L. Demovičovej z Národného kompetenčného centra pre HPC.
Research project: Use of wave energy for the third generation WEC
On February 2nd, an online presentation of the research project Use of wave energy for the third generation WEC (Wave energy converter) took place in the premises of the Computing Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. The hybrid event was organized by niore Energy s.r.o. and the National Competence Centre for High Performance Computing.
Company niore Energy s.r.o. is focused on the production and storage of clean energy. Experts from niore Energy s.r.o.
are plan to become part of the world's electrical grid solution and contribute to global goals by turning ocean waves into electricity and utilizing water for energy storage. This patent-pending concept is based on a floating ring on the ocean's surface. This ring enables the transformation of oscillating motion into rotary motion, which is the motion that generates the most electricity efficiently. The bigger the diameter of the ring, the more sturdy it is against ocean waves, and the more energy we can collect from a broader surface area. Energy Storage, which is also a rotating device floating on the ocean's surface, will serve as the cornerstone for the storage of clean energy, by converting extra electricity into kinetic energy. You can find more information about Energy HUB technologies HEREDuring the presentation of this research project, M. Novák also gave a demonstration of their technology.
Research project Use of wave energy for the third generation WEC is supported by Norwegian grants and the state budget of the Slovak republic.
Source: https://www.nioreenergy.com/ Pictures: Pavol Novák
Protect Your Data! Tomorrow We Celebrate Safer Internet Day10 Feb-11. februára si pripomíname Deň bezpečnejšieho internetu (Safer Internet Day, SID), globálnu iniciatívu zameranú na zvýšenie povedomia o kybernetickej bezpečnosti a ochrane osobných údajov. Tento deň každoročne zdôrazňuje dôležitosť bezpečnosti v online priestore a podporuje aktivity, ktoré pomáhajú chrániť najmä mladých používateľov internetu.
Devana: Výzva na podávanie projektov pre štandardný prístup k HPC 1/2519 Jan-Výzva na podávanie projektov pre štandardný prístup k
HPC 1/25 je otvorená. Projekty je možné podávať v rámci otvorených výziev 3 krát do roka. O prístup je
možné požiadať výhradne prostredníctvom používateľského portálu register.nscc.sk.
Odborná konferencia Superpočítač a Slovensko v Bratislave15 Nov-Dňa 14. novembra 2024 sa v hoteli Devín v Bratislave uskutočnila odborná konferencia s názvom Superpočítač a Slovensko, ktorú zorganizovalo Ministerstvo investícií, regionálneho rozvoja a informatizácie SR. Konferencia sa zameriavala na aktuálne trendy a vývoj v oblasti vysokorýchlostného počítania na Slovensku. Súčasťou podujatia bola prezentácia L. Demovičovej z Národného kompetenčného centra pre HPC.