Calls-Finished General

Devana: Call for Standard HPC access projects 2/24

Devana: Call for Standard HPC access projects 2/24

Výpočtové stredisko SAV a Národné superpočítačové centrum otvarujú druhú tohtoročnú Call for Projects for Standard Access to HPC 2/24.  Projects are possible continuously, while there are 3 closing dates as standard during the year, after which the evaluation will take place until the submitted applications. It is possible to apply for access through the register.nscc.sk user portal register.nscc.sk  .

Standard access to high-performance computing resources is open to all areas of science and research, especially for larger-scale projects. These projects should demonstrate excellence in the respective fields and a clear potential to bring innovative solutions to current social and technological challenges. In the application, it is necessary to demonstrate the efficiency and scalability of the proposed calculation strategies and methods in the HPC environment. The necessary data on the performance and parameters of the considered algorithms and applications can be obtained within the Testing Access.

Allocations are awarded for one (1) year with the option to apply for extension, if necessary. Access is free of charge, provided that all requirements defined in the Terms of reference  are met. Submitted projects are evaluated from a technical point of view by the internal team of CC SAS and SK NSCC, and the quality of the scientific and research part is always evaluated by two independent external reviewers.

Call opening date: 6.5.2024
Call closing date: 31.5. 2024, 17:00 CET
Communication of allocation decision: Up to 2 weeks from Call closing.
Start of the allocation perion for awarded projects: no later than 15. 2. 2024

Eligible Researchers Scientists and researchers from Slovak public universities and the Slovak Academy of Sciences, as well as from public and state administration organizations and private enterprises registered in the Slovak Republic, can apply for standard access to HPC. Access is provided exclusively for civil and non-commercial open-science research and development. Interested parties from private companies should first contact the National Competence Centre for HPC.

Allocation period: 1 year

Overall allocation offered in the Call: 26 M CPU core-hours and 92k GPU-hours

Available systems: Devana supercomputer  universal CPU and accelerated GPU module

Expected project outcomes:

  • Final report within 2 months from the end of the project.
  • Peer-review and other publications in domestic and foreign scientific periodicals with acknowledgments in the pre-defined wording, reported through the user portal.
  • Active participation in the Slovak HPC conference organized by the coordinator of this call (poster, other contribution).
  • Participation in dissemination activities of the coordinator (interview, article in the HPC magazine, etc.).
Calls-Finished General

Large AI Grand Challenge

Large AI Grand Challenge

Project AI-BOOST the EU-funded project launched it’s first competition, offering up to €250K in equity-free funding to up to four high-potential European SMEs and startups that have the technical capacity and experience working on large-scale AI models. Large-scale AI models refer to a new generation of general-purpose AI systems that can adapt to various domains and tasks without significant modification. Thanks to their adaptability, these models hold immense potential to revolutionise various industries.

Notable examples of large-scale AI models include OpenAI’s GPT-4 and Meta’s LLaMA 2. It is of strategic importance for European sovereignty to ensure European companies master this field.

SMEs can gain:

The main objective of the AI-BOOST project, which will also open up further calls in the future, is to support scientific progress in the main areas of artificial intelligence. European small and medium-sized enterprises and startups with high potential, which have technical capacities and experience with working on Large-Scale AI models, can apply.

Call closing date: 13.02. 2024, 17:00 CET

Guidelines for Applicants
More information

Calls-Finished General

Devana: Call for Standard HPC access projects 1/24

Devana: Call for Standard HPC access projects 1/24

The Computing Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the National Supercomputing Center are opening the first Call for Projects for Standard Access to HPC 1/24.  Projects are possible continuously, while there are 3 closing dates as standard during the year, after which the evaluation will take place until the submitted applications. It is possible to apply for access through the register.nscc.sk user portal register.nscc.sk  .

Standard access to high-performance computing resources is open to all areas of science and research, especially for larger-scale projects. These projects should demonstrate excellence in the respective fields and a clear potential to bring innovative solutions to current social and technological challenges. In the application, it is necessary to demonstrate the efficiency and scalability of the proposed calculation strategies and methods in the HPC environment. The necessary data on the performance and parameters of the considered algorithms and applications can be obtained within the Testing Access.

Allocations are awarded for one (1) year with the option to apply for extension, if necessary. Access is free of charge, provided that all requirements defined in the Terms of reference  are met. Submitted projects are evaluated from a technical point of view by the internal team of CC SAS and SK NSCC, and the quality of the scientific and research part is always evaluated by two independent external reviewers.

Call opening date: 4.1.2024
Call closing date: 31.1. 2024, 17:00 CET
Communication of allocation decision: Up to 2 weeks from Call closing.
Start of the allocation perion for awarded projects: no later than 15. 2. 2024

Eligible Researchers Scientists and researchers from Slovak public universities and the Slovak Academy of Sciences, as well as from public and state administration organizations and private enterprises registered in the Slovak Republic, can apply for standard access to HPC. Access is provided exclusively for civil and non-commercial open-science research and development. Interested parties from private companies should first contact the National Competence Centre for HPC.

Allocation period: 1 year

Overall allocation offered in the Call: 26 M CPU core-hours and 92k GPU-hours

Available systems: Devana supercomputer  universal CPU and accelerated GPU module

Expected project outcomes:

  • Final report within 2 months from the end of the project.
  • Peer-review and other publications in domestic and foreign scientific periodicals with acknowledgments in the pre-defined wording, reported through the user portal.
  • Active participation in the Slovak HPC conference organized by the coordinator of this call (poster, other contribution).
  • Participation in dissemination activities of the coordinator (interview, article in the HPC magazine, etc.).

Supercomputer Leonardo for the Slovak scientific community

Supercomputer Leonardo for the Slovak scientific community

The Leonardo Consortium, composed of six European countries led by Italy, procured and in November 2022 put into operation the currently sixth most powerful supercomputer in the world  . Slovensko, ako jeden z členov konzorcia, poskytuje prostredníctvom Výpočtového strediska Slovenskej akadémie vied projektu svoje odborné znalosti v oblasti HPC a komunitám používateľov technickú a inžiniersku podporu na vysokej úrovni. Slovenskí používatelia majú vďaka tomu jedinečnú možnosť zapojiť sa do národnej výzvy a získať prístup na systém Leonardo.

Superpočítač Leonardo má výkon približne 250 PFlop/s, pričom celková alokácia dostupná pre slovenské projekty je 56 000 GPU nód-hodín a 25 000 CPU nód-hodín ročne.  Computing Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, preto v spolupráci s National Supercomputing Center, to access Leonardo's computing resources.Given the size of the allocation, support will be provided to a smaller number of projects, primarily those that require simultaneous utilization of a large number of computing nodes.

Access is open to all fields of science and research, and eligible applicants are from Slovak public universities or institutions of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Supported projects should enable progress and innovation in their chosen area, with added value for addressing societal and/or technological challenges in Slovakia.

Applications used in projects should be thoroughly tested, demonstrating high efficiency and scalability on HPC systems or the need for extensive simulations that require a significant amount of CPU/GPU time. These should be highly parallelized applications capable of efficiently utilizing the available resources, the allocation of which would be challenging on the current national HPC infrastructureDevana supercomputer  ). The computational power requirement and resource utilization must be clearly and comprehensively described in the proposal. You can find the specifications of individual Leonardo modules HERE.

Výzva je otvorená do 31.1. 2024. Vyhodnotenie a vybrané projekty budú zverejnené dva týždne po uzávierke, úspešní riešitelia budú o ďalšom postupe informovaní mailom. Jednotlivé projekty budú hodnotené odborným personálom VS SAV a NSCC s ohľadom na vedecký prínos a čo najefektívnejšie využitie výpočtových kapacít. Projekty s maximálnou dĺžkou trvania 12 mesiacov je možné podať prostredníctvom používateľského portálu register.nscc.sk  . Po registrácii je potrebné vyplniť formulár v sekcii The projecty / Leonardo projekt.

Before submitting an application, we ask interested parties to thoroughly familiarize themselves with the conditions of this call..

In case of any questions or uncertainties, please contact us at eurocc@nscc.sk


Devana: Call for Standard HPC access projects 1/24

Devana: Call for Standard HPC access projects 1/24

The Computing Center of the SAS and the National Supercomputing Centre are opening the first Výzvu na podávanie projektov pre štandardný prístup k HPCProjects are possible continuously, while there are 3 closing dates as standard during the year, after which the evaluation will take place until the submitted applications. It is possible to apply for access through the register.nscc.sk user portal register.nscc.sk  .

Standard access to high-performance computing resources is open to all areas of science and research, especially for larger-scale projects. These projects should demonstrate excellence in the respective fields and a clear potential to bring innovative solutions to current social and technological challenges. In the application, it is necessary to demonstrate the efficiency and scalability of the proposed calculation strategies and methods in the HPC environment. The necessary data on the performance and parameters of the considered algorithms and applications can be obtained within the Testing Access.

Allocations are awarded for one (1) year with the option to apply for extension, if necessary. Access is free of charge, provided that all requirements defined in the Terms of reference  are met. Submitted projects are evaluated from a technical point of view by the internal team of CC SAS and SK NSCC, and the quality of the scientific and research part is always evaluated by two independent external reviewers.

Call opening date: 6.10.2023
Call closing date: 31.10. 2023, 17:00 CET
Communication of allocation decision: Within 2 weeks of project submission.
Začiatok doby alokácie: najneskôr 16. 11. 2023

Eligible Researchers Scientists and researchers from Slovak public universities and the Slovak Academy of Sciences, as well as from public and state administration organizations and private enterprises registered in the Slovak Republic, can apply for standard access to HPC. Access is provided exclusively for civil and non-commercial open-science research and development. Interested parties from private companies should first contact the National Competence Centre for HPC.

Allocation period: 1 year

Overall allocation offered in the Call: 26 M CPU core-hours and 92k GPU-hours

Available systems: Devana supercomputer  universal CPU and accelerated GPU module

Expected project outcomes:

  • Final report within 2 months from the end of the project.
  • Peer-review and other publications in domestic and foreign scientific periodicals with acknowledgments in the pre-defined wording, reported through the user portal.
  • Active participation in the Slovak HPC conference organized by the coordinator of this call (poster, other contribution).
  • Participation in dissemination activities of the coordinator (interview, article in the HPC magazine, etc.).

NGI Search 4th Open Call

NGI Search 3rd Open Call

NGI Search is a cascade funding project designed to help beneficiaries, such as start-ups, scale-ups, SMEs, and mid-sized companies to adopt and develop digital innovation in the domains of:

  • Intelligent Voice Based Assistants
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Semantic Analysis
  • Social computing
  • Data visualization
  • New ways of discovering and accesing information

With five European partners contributing in the project, NGI Search will provide five Open Calls by the spring 2024 and distribute up to 150,000 € to each project, with the support of a dedicated team, an Advisory Board and 10 added-value services.


Academic researchers, hi-tech startups and SMEs can benefit from the NGI Search project based on five Open Calls. Each call will onboard a new cohort of projects to join the mentoring programme which helps implementing and adopting their projects, through the following added-value services:

  • Technology Services: Mentoring and Advice, Beta Testing Campaigns, Link to Standards and Foundation
  • Business Services: Market Readiness, Pitching Training, Business Modeling and Coaching
  • Innovation Services: Open Source Licensing, Market Landscaping and Research, Open Science Advice, Content Creation Support for Showcasing Results


Open Call #4: December 2023 & January 2024

Open Call #5: March & April 2024

Informácie k otvorenej výzve NGI Search

The Open Call deadline is the 1st of February 2023, at 17:00 CET

Selected projects will benefit in a number of ways:

  • Joining the NGI SEARCH Support Programme with a duration of up to 12 months
  • Receiving funding of up to €50,000 if the applicant is a natural person applying on their behalf or up to €150,000 if the applicant is applying as an organisation
  • Option to receive Technical, Business and Innovation mentoring provided by the NGI Search project partners

For more information follow the link HERE


EuroHPC JU Call for Proposals for Extreme Scale access mode

EuroHPC JU Call for Proposals for Extreme Scale access mode

Are you interested in compute time on LUMI and Leonardo supercomputers? Thanks to the EuroHPC-JU call, you will be able to get an access to the pre-exasclae infrastructure. The EuroHPC Are you interested in compute time on LUMI and Leonardo supercomputers? Thanks to the EuroHPC-JU call, you will be able to get an access to the pre-exasclae infrastructure. The EuroHPC will be soon opening the call for the Extreme Scale access mode to applications requiring resources from the EuroHPC pre-exascale supercomputers.

This call is targeting HPC applications with high-impact and high-gain innovative research. The call will be open to all fields of science, industry and public sector justifying the need for and the capacity to use extremely large allocations in terms of compute time, data storage and support resources.

The call is open from 28. September 2022 2022 a deadline na podávanie žiadostí je 28. September tohto roka. V rámci tejto výzvy máte možnosť získať strojový čas na pre-exascale superpočítačoch LUMI and Leonardo More details including the amount of offered resources in terms of node hours and storage hours will be available on the webpage of PRACE.

Submission of applications will be done through the PRACE-calls portal.The call will be open for all categories of applications (Scientific, Industry and Public Sector) defining three distinctive tracks respectively for each category. The evaluation will be based on the technical review and scientific peer-review of all proposals. Award decisions will follow the ranking of proposals according to three criteria of:

  • Excellence.
  • Innovation and impact.
  • Quality of implementation.

The allocations will be granted for a period of one year.

More information.


EuroHPC JU Benchmark And Development Access Calls

EuroHPC JU Benchmark And Development Access Calls

Are you a scientist or developer dealing with HPC applications? Are you interested in developing, optimizing or testing applications on EuroHPC Pre-exascale and/or Petascale systems? Take advantage of the great opportunity to gain access to Pre-exascale or Petascale systems. Applications can be submitted at any time as the call is open continuously.

Access is guaranteed within two weeks of the application deadline (application deadlines are usually set once a month). The evaluation of submitted projects will take place on a fixed date at monthly intervals. The objectives of the individual modes of access within this proposal are:

  • Benchmark calls are designed for code scalability tests, the outcome of which is to be included in the proposal in a future EuroHPC Extreme Scale and Regular call. Users receive a limited number of node hours; the maximum allocation period is three (3) months.
  • Development calls are designed for projects focusing on code and algorithm development and optimisation. This can be in the context of research projects from academia or industry, or as part of large public or private funded initiatives as for instance Centres of Excellence or Competence Centres. Users will typically be allocated a small number of node hours; the allocation period is one (1) year and is renewable up to 2 times.

Various systems will be available in each cut-off for the different Benchmark & Development Access modes. The exact amount of available node hours is subject to the EuroHPC systems participating in a given call and will be announced prior to the cut-off dates. For the first cut-off period the VEGA system resources (Slovenia) are available.

The next cut-off dates for proposals are:

1 December 2023 – 11:00 AM CET

More detailed information can be found on HERE.

Do you need some help or have questions? Do not hesitate to contact us.


EuroHPC JU Call for Proposals for Regular Access Mode

EuroHPC JU Call for Proposals for Regular Access Mode

Types of Access: EuroHPC Regular Access

Final report: within three months of project conclusion

Access type: one year regular access

Termíny uzávierok pre priebežné vyhodnotenie žiadostí o prístupu k zdrojom v roku 2023:

3 November 2023 – 10:00 AM Luxembourg time

Resource Allocation

The Call for Proposals for EuroHPC JU Regular Access Mode is continuously open, with a maximum time-to-resources-access (start-date) of 4 months after the cut-off date.

Project Extension

The allocations are granted for one (1) year with the option for projects to apply for a continuation. This continuation shall be duly justified, limited to a maximum of one (1) additional year, and will depend on an assessment of their ongoing awarded project.

Applicants (Principal Investigators) can only have one Regular Access awarded at any given time.

Computing Resources

The computer systems and their operations provided for the Regular Access call by EuroHPC JU Hosting Entities are: Vega, located in Slovenia, MeluXina, located in Luxemburg, Karolina, located in the Czech Republic, and Discoverer, located in Bulgaria.

Eligible Researchers

Researchers from academia, research institutes, public authorities and industry established or located in an EU Member State or in a country associated to Horizon 2020 are eligible to apply (for further details see Section 2– “Eligibility criteria” in the Regular Access call “Terms of Reference” document).

Application Tracks for Regular Access Mode

The Scientific Access Track Open to all fields of science, will call for applications with a case to enable progress of science in the domains covered. These applications are expected to be able to justify the need for large allocations in terms of compute time, data storage and support resources because they are significantly contributing to the progress in their domain. The Scientific Track prioritises 75% of the total resources available at each cut-off period.

The Industry Access Track Prioritises 20% of the total resources available allocated for the representative, while the main solver must be of the industry.

The Public Administration Access Track Prioritises 5% of the total resources available for this cut-off period for proposals with a Principal Investigator from the public sector.

The EuroHPC JU Access Resource Committee, composed of leading international scientists and engineers, ranks the proposals received and produces a recommendation to award EuroHPC JU resources based on scientific and technical excellence.

More information.


AIPlan4EU Open Call 2 for Innovators

AIPlan4EU Open Call 2 for Innovators

The AIPlan4EU project brings the most advanced planning technology Europe has to offer to companies, SMEs and innovators through the AI4EU platform, demonstrating how this technology can be adopted in different scenarios, boosting the use of planning technologies even in non-technical businesses and incentivizing the research in AI planning in a modern, application-oriented fashion.

Project tracks and benefits

Track A – Planning Technology

  • Track A is for innovators who want to contribute planning technology to the AIPlan4EU ecosystem.
  • We seek all kinds of software tool/library/technology related to planning.
  • Opportunity to make your planning engine more widely accessible and €60.000 for each project, up to 4 projects.

Track B – Integration of New Use-Cases

  • Track B is intended for a consortium of two partners: one partner will be a use-case provider and the other will typically have expertise in planning and/or software development. Together, they will work in solving a planning use-case, exploiting the capabilities of the unified planning framework. jednotného rámca plánovania.
  • We offer a funded opportunity to explore the benefits of AI Planning for the use-case owner with €90.000 for the winning consortium.

Track C – Technology-Specific Bridge for Existing Use-Case

  • Track C is intended for companies, organizations and individuals who have expertise in software development and/or planning and want to integrate an existing use-case with the unified planning framework, a software library developed by the AIPlan4EU project that offers planning-related capabilities in a general and convenient way.
  • €60.000 for each TSB provider.

Deadline 31 January 2023, 17h CET

More information.