
National Competence Centre for HPC at the spring edition of ITAPA 2021

The spring edition of the largest IT conference in Slovakia - ITAPA - took place in Bratislava on June 10, 2021. The EuroCC project and the National Competence Center for High-Performance Computing was again represented at this event. Lukáš Demovič, director of the Centre of Operations of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and Chairman of the Board of the National Supercomputing centre (NSCC) took part in a session about Digital Economics.

National Competence Centre for HPC at the spring edition of ITAPA 2021

The spring edition of the largest IT conference in Slovakia - ITAPA- took place in Bratislava on June 10, 2021. The EuroCC portal project and the National Competence Center for High-Performance Computing was again represented at this event. Lukáš Demovič, director of the Centre of Operations of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and Chairman of the Board of the National Supercomputing centre (NSCC) took part in a session about Digital Economics.

Radoslav Repa, Director General of the Digital Agenda Section of MIRRI SR was acting as a moderator of the panel. The main topics were dealing with the pandemic in the context of digitization and utilization of the HPC and AI technologies, as well as quantum computers and blockchain technology in the digital economy. Seven speakers took part in an interesting exchange of ideas and perspectives:

The importance of HPC+ tools in science and various domains of industry was explained by L. Demovič during his introductory talk.Doteraz bolo veľmi často HPC alebo superpočítače vnímane ako doména vedcov, akademikov, „hračky“ na ktorých vedci robia základný výskum, ale čoraz viacej táto doména preniká do svetu priemyslu, malých a stredných podnikov…“ 

The activities of the EuroCC project and National Competence Centre for HPC in Slovakia were emphasized, particularly the support for SMEs and industry subjects in their efforts to adopt HPC solutions. Successful projects and outcomes of the FF4EUROHPC scheme have been cited as examples.

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