Devana Supercomputer is now available for users
We are pleased to announce that the Devana supercomputer is now available for your computations and projects. The Computing Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the National Supercomputing Center have opened the first call for proposals for testing and benchmarking The call is continuously open, the project is possible repeatedly during the year and can be used through the .
A comprehensible website with practical instructions and documentation is also available at, where you can find information about logging in, projects, SSH keys, software and development equipment, and running computing tasks. Access to Devana is possible through a terminal with a command line, but also through a web interface with the possibility of interactive calculation.
Currently, it is possible to apply for access for testing and benchmarking within a continuously open call s možnosťou využitia získaných údajov (vhodnosť aplikácie, paralelizácia, škálovanie, potrebná veľkosť dátového úložiska a pod.) na podanie žiadosti v pripravovanej výzve pre štandardné projekty.
Scientists and researchers from Slovak public universities and the Slovak Academy of Sciences, as well as from public and state administration organizations and private enterprises registered in the Slovak Republic, can apply for access for testing and benchmarking. Access is provided exclusively for civil and non-commercial open-science research and development. Interested parties from private companies are advised to contact the National Competence Centre for HPC.
We believe that with our professional support, working with Devana will be a benefit for your research and that the new system will allow the realization of many high-quality projects.