
Supercomputing in science - starting soon!

Join us to talk about supercomputing in science in an informal atmosphere with coffee and refreshments! We have prepared a series of interesting lectures on high-performance computing – there is no registration fee, but the registration is required.

Supercomputing in science - starting soon!

Join us to talk about supercomputing in science in an informal atmosphere with coffee and refreshments! We have prepared a series of interesting lectures on high-performance computing – there is no registration fee, but the registration is required.

National Competence Centre for HPC  organizes a series of lectures on why scientists need supercomputers and high-performance computing. This is a joint activity of the NCC and the Computer museum of the Centre of Operations, SAS.

Every user realizes that the use of HPC in various disciplines is a multidisciplinary issue. Not only is it necessary to have expertise in a specific scientific field, but further knowledge of modeling and simulation methods, programming basics, operating systems and computer architecture is required. The first lectures will therefore cover mostly HPC basics, preparing the participants for later presentations, in which experts from the SAS and the Slovak universities will speak in more detail about the use of HPC in various scientific disciplines. Our goal is to compensate to some extent what is often missing in the curricula of the universities and to try to deliver comprehensive information in the context of the global development.

The lectures are suitable for students, but also for people who want to learn more about HPC technologies, their development and utilization in science. Open, informal discussions with the invited speakers will be an important part of the events taking place in the SAS lecture hall within the Patrónka area.  It will also be possible to watch the lectures online via YouTube. Attendance is free, but all hygiene measures and rules in connection with the Covid-19 pandemic have to be observed. For in-person attendance it is also necessary to register on the website http://itkurzy.sav.sk/prednasky.

We are very pleased that our invitation was accepted by interesting speakers and we are looking forward to inspiring lectures and stimulating discussions in a relaxed atmosphere with coffee and refreshments!

First lectures schedule and registration:

  •  September 29, 17:00 - Current trends and vision of HPC development in Slovakia
    Filip Holka (COO SAS), Lukáš Demovič (COO SAS)
  •  12. októbra o 17:00 – Computer simulations and calculations as an essential tool in science
    Pavel Neogrády (Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University)
  •  26. októbra o 17:00 – Development of technology and computer architecture – from 1-processor serial computers to supercomputers
    Martin Šperka (Computer Museum, COO SAS)

If you are interested in a lecture on a specific topic, but did not find it in our schedule, do not hesitate to contact us!

Don't miss out on the other National Competence Centre for HPC activities(lectures, free IT courses, hackathons, events) - follow us on social networks and subscribe to our newsletter. 

More information about the series



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