
Get free access to the Slovak supercomputer Devana and HPC services!

This challenge is aimed at small and medium-sized entrepreneurs who need something more than ordinary computer technology for the implementation of either research projects or ordinary tasks in the normal operation and processes of the company. The SAV Computing Center and the National Supercomputer Center are currently offering free access to the Slovak Devana supercomputer.

Get free access to the Slovak supercomputer Devana and HPC services!

This call is for small and medium-sized businesses that need more than just regular computing power to complete research projects or routine tasks in their daily operations. The Computing Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the National Supercomputing Centre are now offering free access to the Slovak supercomputer Devana.

The latest Slovak supercomputer, Devana, has a total performance of 800 TFlop/s, making it the most powerful publicly accessible supercomputer in the country. In addition to a standard CPU section, Devana also offers an accelerated environment for AI and machine learning tasks. A professional HPC team is available to help companies transfer data and applications to Devana and train their employees on how to use it.

What are the potential benefits for a company that takes advantage of this opportunity?

  • Get free access to a powerful supercomputer that can help you speed up and streamline even the most complex computing tasks.
  • A web-based interface for HPC using Open OnDemand makes it easy for anyone to use, even if you're not familiar with Linux or the command line.
  • Devana offers the opportunity to experiment with using multiple GPU accelerators in parallel to train large AI/ML models.
  • Interaktívne počítanie – Jupyter Notebook, Devana Desktop.
  • RStudio server for data processing.
  • The Singularity containerization platform.
  • Ansys software suite for multiphysics simulations.

By using this opportunity, companies will also provide valuable insights and feedback to our HPC service providers, NSCC and CC SAS. This information will help our national HPC center develop new tools and services that are tailored to the needs of businesses.

Getting free access to Devana is easy. Just contact the HPC team, send basic information about the company and its activities HERE Don't hesitate to take advantage of this unique opportunity to improve your products, streamline your processes, and accelerate your research and development projects.

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