
National Competence Centre for HPC at SlovakiaTech Forum Expo

The goal of the event was a meeting of Slovak and foreign experts in the field of innovation, industry and industrial technologies, energy, transport and logistics, environment and education, as well as a presentation of scientific and innovative potential of Slovak technological companies.

National Competence Centre for HPC at SlovakiaTech Forum Expo

On September 20 and 21, 2022, an international conference for professionals and innovation and technology fair SlovakiaTech Expo , whose goal was a meeting of Slovak and foreign experts in the field of innovation, industry and industrial technology, energy, transport and logistics, environment and education. The team of the National Competence Centre for High-Performance Computing presented its activities to visitors and interested parties from the state, academic and private sectors at the innovation and technology fair. The participants had a great opportunity to join the competition and try out a simplified simulation similar to those implemented on a supercomputer.

During the event at the stand of the National Competence Center for High-Performance Computing, participants had the opportunity to participate in a competition for a reMarkable tablet. The purpose of the competition was to find the object with the least air resistance with entry restrictions set by NCC for HPC experts.

Competition statute

More info about the event

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