
Hackers attack small and medium-sized businesses

Small and medium-sized businesses that do not step into the cyber era will be at a competitive disadvantage compared to those that do. However, such a step into a modern and innovative future also has its pitfalls. So how to protect your business in the digital world and how to ensure its continuity?

Hackers attack small and medium-sized businesses

Small and medium-sized businesses that do not embrace the digital age will be at a competitive disadvantage to those that do. However, this move into a modern and innovative future also has its challenges. How, then, to protect your business in the digital world and ensure its continuity?

Unfortunately, small and medium-sized businesses in Slovakia and the Czech Republic often do not address the risks associated with their online presence. This opens the door to hacker attacks, which can lead not only to damage to a company's reputation, but also to problems that can ultimately lead to the collapse of the business. And that's certainly something you don't want. Fortunately, there is also someone on the home front who can lend a helping hand.

Cybersecurity without stress – FREE webinar

Qubit Conference® is organizing a FREE webinar called Cybersecurity without stressin cooperation with Edenred Slovakia. The webinar will take place on September 13, 2023 at 2:00 PM. This online webinar is intended for small and medium-sized businesses that want to improve their cybersecurity standards, protect their businesses, and ensure their continuity in the years to come.

The webinar Cybersecurity without stress will provide up-to-date insights from the world of cybersecurity and present effective strategies that can protect businesses from hacker attacks, password breaches, and data leaks. Their subsequent implementation will lead to more efficient and secure business operations, as well as a significant improvement in the company's reputation.

The number of places is limited. So don't hesitate to register for the FREE webinar Cybersecurity without stress todays!

Small and medium-sized businesses are at risk

43% of all cyberattacks are targeted at small and medium-sized businesses. Why are these businesses so vulnerable?

There are several reasons. Hackers target them primarily because they are vulnerable and exploit their cybersecurity ignorance. Such companies often do not have the resources – both financial and human – to pay enough attention to cybersecurity.

Many business owners, especially in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, do not even perceive the threats of cyberattacks. They do not see it as a problem and therefore carelessly neglect cybersecurity. Unfortunately, if a risk does occur, it is usually too late.

Cyberattacks on small and medium-sized businesses often have a fatal impact on their operations and in many cases such companies end up. The result is financial losses, laid-off employees, and in the worst cases even legal problems. However, this can be prevented when you invest time and energy into cybersecurity awareness.

Viruses, stolen passwords, and leaks of sensitive data

Neglecting cybersecurity opens the door to viruses, trojans, stolen passwords, and leaks of sensitive data. In many cases, there is nothing that can be done about it. For example, with ransomware, hackers will encrypt all of your files on your storage device and demand a ransom that often does not even help. This is how many companies have lost all of their data, especially if they did not back it up.

Stolen passwords and leaks of customer data are especially sensitive. These increase customer outrage, damage the company's reputation, and can even lead to legal consequences.

The truth is that the best defense is prevention. And the first step can be the online webinar . Cybersecurity without stressSo don't hesitate, register for FREE and protect your business.


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