
Inno4scale: Innovative Algorithms For Applications On European Exascale Supercomputers

Inno4scale is a European initiative, which was started to support the development of innovative algorithms for exascale supercomputers, so their efficient use can be fully exploited. Currently existing codes for high-performance computing will not be able to function efficiently on upcoming exascale systems in the future. Therefore, the project will identify and support the development of applications that have the potential to fully exploit the new upcoming EuroHPC exascale systems. The most successful application will be taken up by science and industry after the project.

Inno4scale: Innovative Algorithms For Applications On European Exascale Supercomputers

Inno4scale is a European initiative, which was started to support the development of innovative algorithms for exascale supercomputers, so their efficient use can be fully exploited. Currently existing codes for high-performance computing will not be able to function efficiently on upcoming exascale systems in the future. Therefore, the project will identify and support the development of applications that have the potential to fully exploit the new upcoming EuroHPC exascale systems. The most successful application will be taken up by science and industry after the project.

The objective of Inno4scale is to support the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, whose goal it is to achieve the deployment of Exascale supercomputers in Europe. As part of the project, the development of novel algorithms for applications on upcoming European Exascale supercomputers will be efficiently exploited. Used in public administration or industry these supercomputers will be able to solve previously unaffordable computational challenges. Industry, science, as well as public administration will then be able to reduce their time-to-solution for computational simulations and approach larger problems with novel solutions.

The Inno4scale project started in the beginning of July 2023 and will run for 21 months. Financial support is guaranteed to the project by the use of cascade funding. The project is coordinated by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center. Project partners: SCAPOS, the High-Performance Computing Center of the University of Stuttgart and the PRACE network. A total budget of EUR 4.5 Mio. is available to the project.

You can apply for the Inno4scale Open Call and submit your proposals for the upcoming innovation studies!

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