
Qubit Conference® Košice 2023

After last year's successful event, you can already look forward to the Qubit Košice 2023 conference.

Qubit Conference® Košice 2023

After last year's successful event, you can already look forward to the Qubit Conference® Košice 2023

On November 8-9, 2023 in Košice, interesting speakers and panel discussions, sharing of practical experience of professionals in the field of information and cyber security, interactive training and popular networking await you. Come and share valuable knowledge and experience in the area of development, current regulations and trends in IT security and digital transformation, taking into account the key ways of managing organizations.

Do not miss:

  • Inspirational panel discussions and presentations by leading speakers.
  • Training for small and medium enterprises.
  • Networking events.

Tak part at the Qubit Conference® Košice 2023 and don't miss a unique opportunity for education, presentation of your company and establishing new partnership and professional relationships on the Slovak and Czech cybersec market.

Register your participation in the event today!

The mission of Qubit Conference is to build a professional community of experts in the cybersecurity industry through networking and partnerships through highly professional educational events characterized by a professional approach and a friendly atmosphere.

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10 Sep - In today's digital era, when technology has become an essential part of business, cyber attacks are becoming an alarming reality for businesses of all sizes. With the increasing number of threats and the sophistication of attacks, it is imperative that companies invest in employee training and securing their systems.
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