
EuroCC & Castiel joint coference

EuroCC & Castiel Joint conference

Second joint conference EuroCC & Castiel took place on June 22 – 23, 2021. The two-day online event was attended by 140+ representatives and members of all National Competence Centres. The programme of the conference focused on the upcoming 1st year reports and a review process that will take place in October 2021.  

Administrative issues were addressed by the Project Management Team and representatives from the Castiel working groups presented progress in their respective areas: competence mapping, training, twinning&mentoring, industrial interactions and business development and communication & outreach. An update from the EuroHPC JU was presented, as well. On the second day the participants learned more about the FF4EuroHPC open call.

Most importantly, the joint conference was an opportunity for all NCCs to present their progress in the first 9 months of the EuroCC project implementation, from their initial status to goals achieved and the future outlook.

Why Do Enterprises Need Supercomputers? NCC for HPC at the Innovation Seminar 6 Mar - Dňa 6. marca sme sa zúčastnili odborno-informačného seminára s názvom „Podpora inovácií pre zlepšenie rastu a rozvoja malého a stredného podnikania v Nitrianskom kraji“. Podujatie organizovalo Regionálne centrum Nitra MIRRI SR v spolupráci s Nitrianskym samosprávnym krajom, Slovenskou poľnohospodárskou univerzitou v Nitre, Slovenskou inovačnou a energetickou agentúrou (SIEA) a Výskumnou a inovačnou autoritou (VAIA).
Join us for the HPC User Day 2025! 3 Mar - Máte záujem o vysokovýkonné výpočty? Využívate superpočítače alebo sa chcete dozvedieť viac o ich možnostiach? Pridajte sa k nám na HPC User Day 2025! Toto podujatie je určené nielen pre skúsených používateľov, ale aj pre tých, ktorí sa o HPC technológie začínajú zaujímať.
Protect Your Data! Tomorrow We Celebrate Safer Internet Day 10 Feb - 11. februára si pripomíname Deň bezpečnejšieho internetu (Safer Internet Day, SID), globálnu iniciatívu zameranú na zvýšenie povedomia o kybernetickej bezpečnosti a ochrane osobných údajov. Tento deň každoročne zdôrazňuje dôležitosť bezpečnosti v online priestore a podporuje aktivity, ktoré pomáhajú chrániť najmä mladých používateľov internetu.

HPC-Europa3 – Transnational Access

HPC-Europa3 – Transnational Access

Funding for research visits to build international networks in HPC: Network, Compute, Learn, Travel

The project HPC-Europa project is based on a program of visits, in the form of traditional transnational access, with researchers visiting HPC centres and/or scientific hosts who mentor them scientifically and technically for the best exploitation of the HPC resources in their research. The visitors are financially supported for travel, accommodation and subsistence, and provided with an amount of computing time suitable for the approved project (PLEASE NOTE: the provided funding is not a salary and not meant to cover ALL costs but it is meant to be an help to support the visiting period).

The calls for applications are issued 4 times per year and published online on the HPC-Europa3 website. The next closing date will be on 09th Sept 2021 (23:59 CEST). The programme will end in April 2022 so do not miss the last calls!

It is recommended that researchers apply between 2 and 4 months before the start of their visit. Successful applicants will visit for between 3 and 13 weeks.

A web-based interface has been set-up to submit applications. Detailed guidelines and on-line FAQs are provided to assist the applicants with the process.

If you wish to apply for a visit grant and if you intend to spend a research period in one of the 9 countries of the HPC centres part of the project, please read the guidelines and then fill in the online form. If you have any question concerning the project or the application procedure feel free to contact the project coordinators.

The Supercomputing centres participating in the Transnational Access activity are: CINECA (Bologna – IT), EPCC (Edinburgh – UK), BSC (Barcelona – SP), HLRS (Stuttgart – DE), SurfSARA (Amsterdam – NL), CSC (Helsinki – FIN), GRNET (Athens, GR), KTH (Stockolm, SE), ICHEC (Dublin, IE).


PRACE Spring school: Modelling Materials using HPC and AI/ML

PRACE Spring school: Modelling Materials using HPC and AI/ML

This year the PRACE Spring school will be organized by the Centre of Operations, Slovak Academy of Sciences and will cover the topic of modelling materials using HPC and AI/ML tools and techniques. The workshop will be held on June 15 – 18, 2021 as an online/hybrid event. Locally based participants may attend the seasonal school in person, if the pandemic situation and valid restrictions permit it.

We aim to deliver comprehensive information on the topic, from theoretical background, parallel algorithms implementation to effective deployment of applications and programs on the HPC environment.

The PRACE Spring school will also fucus on utilizing the AI/ML tools that are being progressively applied to real chemical problems, such as discovery of new chemical compounds and materials with specific properties.

The program comprises interesting lectures as well as practical hands-on sessions. Basic knowledge and background in theoretical chemistry or physics is a prerequisite.

The HERE , which is free of charge, is now OPEN until June 7, 2021 or until our capacities are full.

Why Do Enterprises Need Supercomputers? NCC for HPC at the Innovation Seminar 6 Mar - Dňa 6. marca sme sa zúčastnili odborno-informačného seminára s názvom „Podpora inovácií pre zlepšenie rastu a rozvoja malého a stredného podnikania v Nitrianskom kraji“. Podujatie organizovalo Regionálne centrum Nitra MIRRI SR v spolupráci s Nitrianskym samosprávnym krajom, Slovenskou poľnohospodárskou univerzitou v Nitre, Slovenskou inovačnou a energetickou agentúrou (SIEA) a Výskumnou a inovačnou autoritou (VAIA).
Join us for the HPC User Day 2025! 3 Mar - Máte záujem o vysokovýkonné výpočty? Využívate superpočítače alebo sa chcete dozvedieť viac o ich možnostiach? Pridajte sa k nám na HPC User Day 2025! Toto podujatie je určené nielen pre skúsených používateľov, ale aj pre tých, ktorí sa o HPC technológie začínajú zaujímať.
Protect Your Data! Tomorrow We Celebrate Safer Internet Day 10 Feb - 11. februára si pripomíname Deň bezpečnejšieho internetu (Safer Internet Day, SID), globálnu iniciatívu zameranú na zvýšenie povedomia o kybernetickej bezpečnosti a ochrane osobných údajov. Tento deň každoročne zdôrazňuje dôležitosť bezpečnosti v online priestore a podporuje aktivity, ktoré pomáhajú chrániť najmä mladých používateľov internetu.

13th PRACE SHAPE Call for Proposals

  • Type of Access: SHAPE
  • Opening Date: 01/04/2021 @ 16:59
  • Closing Date: 01/06/2021 @ 17:00 Brussels Time

SHAPE offers European SMEs the opportunity to:

  • Use HPC for business innovation
  • Increase competitiveness
  • Benefit from the expertise and knowledge developed within the top-class PRACE Research Infrastructure.

The Thirteenth Call for Applications to SHAPE (SME HPC Adoption Programme in Europe) invites applications from European SMEs with an interesting idea that would benefit from High Performance Computing for increasing their competitiveness. SHAPE aims to work with selected SMEs to introduce HPC-based tools and techniques into their business, operational, or production environment. The selected solutions should bring a potential tangible Return on Investment to the SME’s business.

The SHAPE process is as follows:

The SME applies to the programme via the online or downloadable form HERE. At this stage assistance is available from PRACE if required, but the form also includes guidelines on the expected content.

The applications are then reviewed and rated, based principally on the strength of the business case and technical feasibility of the proposed work. The successful SMEs can then receive machine time on a PRACE system, and most importantly effort from a PRACE expert to work alongside the SME in evaluating and/or developing the HPC-based solution. In return the SME provides in-kind effort, publicity of their participation in SHAPE, and together with the PRACE expert, produces a public white paper on the work achieved in the project at its conclusion.

PRACE experts will work with the selected SMEs in order to develop their solutions, providing the participating SMEs with knowledge that will allow them to make an informed decision on the selected HPC solution. 

For more information and to apply please visit PRACE SHAPE.