EuroCC & Castiel Joint conference
Second joint conference EuroCC & Castiel took place on June 22 – 23, 2021. The two-day online event was attended by 140+ representatives and members of all National Competence Centres. The programme of the conference focused on the upcoming 1st year reports and a review process that will take place in October 2021.
Administrative issues were addressed by the Project Management Team and representatives from the Castiel working groups presented progress in their respective areas: competence mapping, training, twinning&mentoring, industrial interactions and business development and communication & outreach. An update from the EuroHPC JU was presented, as well. On the second day the participants learned more about the FF4EuroHPC open call.
Most importantly, the joint conference was an opportunity for all NCCs to present their progress in the first 9 months of the EuroCC project implementation, from their initial status to goals achieved and the future outlook.