Calls-Current General

Workshop: POP3 Profiling and Optimisation Tools

Workshop: POP3 Profiling and Optimisation Tools

We invite you to the interesting event POP3 Profiling and Optimization Tools 46th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop. The event is organized by POP3 CoE in cooperation with the National Competence Centers for HPC from Slovakia, Czechia, Poland and Austria Hungary and Slovenia.

Virtual Institute—High Productivity Supercomputing (VI-HPS) is an initiative that aims to enhance the productivity of supercomputing applications by providing a comprehensive set of tools and methodologies for performance analysis, debugging, and tuning. It brings together expertise and resources from various organisations to support developing and optimising high-performance computing applications.

The workshop is designed to facilitate collaborative learning and application tuning, with a particular emphasis on teams of two or more participants working with the same or closely related application codes the teams are developing.

  • The first day of the workshop introduces participants to the POP Centre of Excellence (CoE), detailing its services, methodology, and tools for performance assessments and second-level services.
  • On the second day, the focus shifts to getting started with open-source multi-platform tools for analysing MPI+OpenMP application executions on CPU architectures.
  •  The third day delves into more advanced usage, including analysing application executions on combined CPU and GPU architectures. During this hands-on workshop, participants will be introduced to the use of Paraver/Extrae and Scalasca/Score-P/CUBE toolsets for CPUs and GPUs.

Paraver/Extrae is a performance analysis toolset designed for tracing and analysing the execution of parallel applications. Extrae captures detailed execution traces, while Paraver provides powerful visualisation and analysis capabilities to help identify performance bottlenecks and optimise parallel code.

Scalasca/Score-P/CUBE is an integrated performance analysis toolkit for parallel applications. Score-P collects performance data in profiles and execution traces, Scalasca analyses and identifies performance issues, and CUBE facilitates exploration of the results, helping developers tune their applications.

Annotation The course is organised in collaboration with POP3 CoE, NCC Austria, NCC Czechia, NCC Hungary, NCC Poland, NCC Slovakia and NCC Slovenia. Virtual Institute—High Productivity Supercomputing (VI-HPS) is an initiative that aims to enhance the productivity of supercomputing applications by providing a comprehensive set of tools and methodologies for performance analysis, debugging, and tuning. It brings together expertise and resources from various organisations to support developing and optimising high-performance computing applications. The workshop is designed to facilitate collaborative learning and application tuning, with a particular emphasis on teams of two or more participants working with the same or closely related application codes the teams are developing. The first day of the workshop introduces participants to the POP Centre of Excellence (CoE), detailing its services, methodology, and tools for performance assessments and second-level services. On the second day, the focus shifts to getting started with open-source multi-platform tools for analysing MPI+OpenMP application executions on CPU architectures. The third day delves into more advanced usage, including analysing application executions on combined CPU and GPU architectures. During this hands-on workshop, participants will be introduced to the use of Paraver/Extrae and Scalasca/Score-P/CUBE toolsets for CPUs and GPUs. Paraver/Extrae is a performance analysis toolset designed for tracing and analysing the execution of parallel applications. Extrae captures detailed execution traces, while Paraver provides powerful visualisation and analysis capabilities to help identify performance bottlenecks and optimise parallel code. Scalasca/Score-P/CUBE is an integrated performance analysis toolkit for parallel applications. Score-P collects performance data in profiles and execution traces, Scalasca analyses and identifies performance issues, and CUBE facilitates exploration of the results, helping developers tune their applications. Additionally, other tools from the POP CoE will be available for participants to utilise throughout the workshop.

Target Audience and Purpose of the Course:
Attendees will learn how to use the parallel performance analysis tools of the Performance Optimisation and Productivity (POP) CoE and a corresponding methodology for applying those tools to assess execution performance and scaling efficiency of their own parallel application codes in a portable fashion.

Intermediate/advanced, as no knowledge of any parallel performance tools is required (though serial code profiling experience is advantageous). However, participants are expected to be familiar with building/running (potentially hybrid, GPU-enabled) parallel applications.

Course format
The hands-on parts will only be available for on-site participants, who should bring their codes to work on.

Výukové/prednáškové časti budú dostupné pre neobmedzený počet účastníkov, ktorí sa môžu zúčastniť online.

Participants should be familiar with one or more parallel programming paradigms, such as MPI and OpenMP (on CPUs), and preferably also the use of OpenMP, OpenACC, CUDA, or similar (for GPUs). When registering for the workshop, participants should report the programming languages and paradigms employed by their application codes, along with relevant framework/library dependencies. Note that applications using AI/ML frameworks such as TensorFlow are unsuitable for this workshop.

Technical requirements
Participants with their own application code(s) should have these installed and running on Karolina supercomputer before the event. Also, a representative execution test case should be prepared, suitable for running on a single node in several minutes. The required tools will be available on Karolina (CPU and GPU partitions). However, participants may also install graphical tools on their own notebook computers. Each participant will get access to the mentioned clusters before the event.

Starts: 4.09.2024. 9:00 CET
Ends: 6.09.2024 17:00 CET
Venue: online and F2F in IT4Innovations v Ostrave

The event will be held in English.

More info about the event

Calls-Current General

Call for Ideas: Seeking Slovak SME Partners for FFPlus Project Consortium

Call for Ideas: Seeking Slovak SME Partners for FFPlus Project Consortium

NCC Slovakia hľadá slovenských MSP partnerov na vytvorenie konzorcia pre návrh prestížneho projektu FFPlusis looking for Slovak SME partners to form a consortium for the prestigious FFPlus project proposal. The aim is to leverage High-Performance Computing (HPC) in addressing specific business challenges comprising e.g. modelling and simulation, data analytics, AI, etc. and achieving significant industrial impact.

The selected SMEs can benefit from our or state-of-the-art European Tier-0 HPC infrastructure, code efficiency optimization and/or parallelization, and domain and technical support. The expected output is a Success story in form of a white paper with no obligation in revealing details of the technical solution, or any other proprietary / IP information or data.

What We Offer:

  • HPC Infrastructure: Access to state-of-the-art HPC systems.
  • Technical Support and co-development: Expert guidance in HPC utilization, workflow and code optimization and parallelization.
  • Application Guidance: NCC Slovakia will guide and accompany partners throughout the application process.

Expected Output:

  • White Paper: A short success story documenting the business impact achieved through HPC adoption. Note: There is no open science condition for this output.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Uptake of HPC by SMEs: Targeting businesses with no prior experience in HPC to solve real-world challenges.
  • Positive Business Impact: Demonstrate how HPC adoption leads to tangible business benefits.
  • Diverse Application Domains: Prioritizing projects with the highest business impact potential.


  • Slovak SMEs: Must have less than 250 employees and an annual turnover of less than 50 million EUR.
  • Non-Research-Oriented: SMEs should be commercially driven, focus on acedemic / fundamental research is not supported.

Project Details:

  • Submission Deadline: September 4th, 2024, 17:00 Brussels local time
  • Project Duration: Maximum of 15 months, starting January 1st, 2025
  • Funding Budget: Total of €4M for all sub-projects
  • Maximum Funding per Experiment: Up to 200 K€, up to 150 K€ per organization in the consortium. Main participant, i.e. SME, can participate in only one experiment.
  • Total maximum number of consortium partners: 5 - main participant and supporting participants

Proposal Expectations:

  • Alignment: Clearly define the business challenge and the necessity of HPC use.
  • Impact: Present the potential positive business impact.
  • Objectives: Set specific, achievable goals.
  • Consortium: Include all necessary parties for effective project execution.
  • Resources and Costs: Outline required resources and associated costs.
  • Data Protection: Address any data protection concerns.
  • Success Stories: Support in generating publishable success stories.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Format: Proposals must be submitted in English and comprise two parts: Part A (administrative information) and Part B (proposal body).
  • Electronic Submission: Proposals must be submitted electronically using the designated submission tool.

Join us in demonstrating the transformative potential of HPC for SMEs. Contact NCC Slovakia today, aby sme mohli vybudovať partnerstvo a spoločne sa uchádzať o tento projekt.

Fortissimo: call for proposal for SME

Calls-Current General

Fortissimo: call for proposal for SME

Fortissimo: call for proposal for SME

The FFplus project launched a new open call for European small and medium-sized enterprises. They are looking for agile innovative companies that decide to use supercomputers in practice and thus gain a competitive advantage on the market.

The FFplus project is already the fourth continuation of a very successful initiative that directly deals with how to help businesses overcome obstacles in the use of supercomputers and high-performance data analysis in practice or in the work and development of generative AI. The goal is primarily to strengthen the global competitiveness of European industry.

In the past years, dozens of companies from all over Europe that used supercomputers have successfully passed open challenges. Let their stories inspire you, you can find them on the FFplus website.

The FFplus project call is divided into 2 parts:


The first part of this challenge is intended for businesses with no previous experience with supercomputing across all disciplines. As part of this challenge, companies have the opportunity to submit their "experiments", i.e. projects solving a specific business challenge with the help of supercomputer technologies, high-performance data analysis or artificial intelligence. Estimated duration of the experiment max. 15 months with a planned start on January 1, 2025.

A sum of EUR 4 million will be distributed among all the selected projects for the financing of experiments.

The deadline for submitting applications is September 4, 2024 at 5 p.m.


The second part of the FFplus challenge will support companies and startups that are already active in the field of generative AI and that lack the necessary computing resources to develop their own models. The goal is to facilitate and strengthen the technological development of European companies in the field of AI.

Participating enterprises will be supported to increase their innovation potential by leveraging new generative UI models, such as large language models (LLM), based on their existing expertise, application area, business model and potential for expansion.

Submitted "innovation studies" must use extensive European supercomputing resources (pre-exascale and exascale) to develop and adapt generative AI models (pr. LLM).

A sum of EUR 4 million intended for the financing of experiments will be distributed among all selected sub-projects.

The deadline for submitting applications is September 4, 2024 at 5 p.m.

Are you interested in this opportunity? You can find out more information on the project website.

The experts from the National Competence Center for HPC will be happy to help you with the submission of the project - contact us..

Calls-Current General

EuroHPC JU: Prístup k superpočítačom pre aplikácie umelej inteligencie a pre dátovo náročné výpočtyEuroHPC JU:

EuroHPC JU Access Call for AI and Data-Intensive Applications

The call is designed to serve industry organisations, small to medium enterprises (SMEs), startups, as well as public sector entities, requiring access to supercomputing resources to perform artificial intelligence and data intensive activities.

The EuroHPC JU AI and Data-Intensive Applications Access call aims to support ethical artificial intelligence, machine learning, and in general, data-intensive applications, with a particular focus on foundation models and generative AI (e.g. large language models).

Call opening date: 5.03.2024
Call closing date: 14.06.2024

Available systems:

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Calls-Current General

EuroHPC JU Call for Proposals for Benchmark Access 2024

EuroHPC JU Call for Proposals for Benchmark Access 2024

The purpose of theEuroHPC JU Benchmark Access calls is to support researchers and HPC application developers by giving them the opportunity to test or benchmark their applications on the upcoming/available EuroHPC Pre-exascale and/or Petascale system prior to applying for an Extreme Scale and/or Regular Access.

The EuroHPC Benchmark call is designed for code scalability tests or for test of AI applications and the outcome of which is to be included in the proposal in a future EuroHPC Extreme Scale and Regular Access call. Users receive a limited number of node hours; the maximum allocation period is three months

Call opening date: 1.12.2023
Call closing date: 1.04.2024 (11:00 CET), 1.05.2024 (11:00 CET) 1.06.2024 (11:00 CET), 1.07.2024 (11:00 CET), 1.08.2024 (11:00 CET), 1.09.2024 (11:00 CET), 1.10.2024 (11:00 CET), 1.11.2024 (11:00 CET), 1.12.2024 (11:00 CET)

Available systems:

More information

Calls-Current General

EuroHPC JU Call for Proposals for Development Access 2024

EuroHPC JU Call for Proposals for Development Access 2024

The purpose of the EuroHPC JU Development Access calls is to support researchers and HPC application developers by giving them the opportunity to develop, test and optimise their applications on the upcoming/available EuroHPC Pre-exascale and/or Petascale system prior to applying for an Extreme Scale and/or Regular Access. The EuroHPC Development call is designed for projects focusing on code and algorithm development and optimisation. As well as development of AI application methods.

This can be in the context of research projects from academia or industry, or as part of large public or private funded initiatives as for instance Centres of Excellence or Competence Centres. Users will typically be allocated a small number of node hours; the allocation period is one year and is renewable up to two times.

Call opening date: 1.12.2023
Call closing date: : 1.04.2024 (11:00 CET), 1.05.2024 (11:00 CET) 1.06.2024 (11:00 CET), 1.07.2024 (11:00 CET), 1.08.2024 (11:00 CET), 1.09.2024 (11:00 CET), 1.10.2024 (11:00 CET), 1.11.2024 (11:00 CET), 1.12.2024 (11:00 CET).

Available systems:

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Inno4scale: Innovative Algorithms For Applications On European Exascale Supercomputers

Inno4scale: Innovative Algorithms For Applications On European Exascale Supercomputers

Inno4scale is a European initiative, which was started to support the development of innovative algorithms for exascale supercomputers, so their efficient use can be fully exploited. Currently existing codes for high-performance computing will not be able to function efficiently on upcoming exascale systems in the future. Therefore, the project will identify and support the development of applications that have the potential to fully exploit the new upcoming EuroHPC exascale systems. The most successful application will be taken up by science and industry after the project.

The objective of Inno4scale is to support the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, whose goal it is to achieve the deployment of Exascale supercomputers in Europe. As part of the project, the development of novel algorithms for applications on upcoming European Exascale supercomputers will be efficiently exploited. Used in public administration or industry these supercomputers will be able to solve previously unaffordable computational challenges. Industry, science, as well as public administration will then be able to reduce their time-to-solution for computational simulations and approach larger problems with novel solutions.

The Inno4scale project started in the beginning of July 2023 and will run for 21 months. Financial support is guaranteed to the project by the use of cascade funding. The project is coordinated by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center. Project partners: SCAPOS, the High-Performance Computing Center of the University of Stuttgart and the PRACE network. A total budget of EUR 4.5 Mio. is available to the project.

You can apply for the Inno4scale Open Call and submit your proposals for the upcoming innovation studies!

More information


Devana: Call for Projects for Testing and Benchmarking

Devana: Výzva na podávanie projektov pre testovanie a benchmarking

The Computing Center of the SAS and the National Supercomputing Centre are opening the first call for proposals for testing and benchmarking The call is continuously open, the project is possible repeatedly during the year and can be used through the register.nscc.sk  user portal. The testing and benchmarking approach serves primarily to obtain data on application performance parameters, parallelization, utilization, and scaling of data storage size requirements for subsequent standard access requests. However, it can be used for less time- and computationally intensive projects.

Superpočítač Devana

Access is free of charge, provided that all requirements defined in the Terms of reference  The application must clearly define the need for use and testing in an HPC environment. Submitted projects are evaluated by the internal team of VS SAV and NSCC.

Call opening date: 19.7.2023

Call closing date: The call is open continuously

Termín pre notifikácie o schválení projektu: Within 2 weeks of project submission.

Eligible Researchers Scientists and researchers from Slovak public universities and the Slovak Academy of Sciences, as well as from public and state administration organizations and private enterprises registered in the Slovak Republic, can apply for access for testing and benchmarking. Access is provided exclusively for civil and non-commercial open-science research and development. Interested parties from private companies are advised to contact the National Competence Centre for HPC.

Allocation period: 4 months

Allocation available per project: 50,000 CPU core-hours and 12,500 GPU core-hours

Available systems: Devana supercomputer