

A Digital Twin is the virtual representation of a product, system or process that simulates its physical attributes in the real-world in real time. By collecting data from its physical counterpart, manufacturers are enabled to streamline the manufacturing process and make predictions with regard to machine failures or maintenance needs.

DIGITbrain – Call for proposals in 2022

DIGITbrain Project is an EU innovation program (coordinated by PNO Consultants) to give SMEs easy access to digital twins.

A Digital Twin is the virtual representation of a product, system or process that simulates its physical attributes in the real-world in real time. By collecting data from its physical counterpart, manufacturers are enabled to streamline the manufacturing process and make predictions with regard to machine failures or maintenance needs.

V porovnaní s konceptom digitálnych dvojičiek, ktorý sa už v súčasnosti využíva vo výrobných procesoch mnohých spoločností, chce projekt DIGITbrain zájsť ešte o krok ďalej a vyvinúť tzv. ‘Digital Product Brain’, ktorý by zbieral a ukladal dáta z celého cyklu výrobnej línie alebo stroja. Toto sa uplatní v novom koncepte výroby, ktorý sa nazýva “výroba ako služba” (Manufacturing-as-a-Service / MaaS). Tento koncept umožní výrobu podľa požiadaviek klienta, produkciu špecializovaných výrobkov a to aj v menších množstvách a zároveň stále ekonomicky.

Experiments will be implemented in close collaboration with Digital Innovation hubs and technical partners of competence centers. This interaction should start during proposal preparation, DIHs and technical partners of competence centers acting as business and technical supporters for applicants. This collaboration should continue during the experiments’ deployment and execution.

The 2nd Open Call for application experiments will be open from 31st March 2022 for three months until the End of June 2022. Learn more about the program HERE.