
Hopero: European Digital Innovation Hub

The Slovak AI European Digital Innovation Hub is a nation-wide ecosystem with a clear focus on artificial intelligence aiming to support the digital transformation of Slovak companies in the European innovation space. One of Hopero's goals is to upgrade companies and train their employees for the digital era by strengthening and expanding the community innovators, sharing knowledge, improving access to financial means and introduction of artificial intelligence.

Hopero: European Digital Innovation Hub

The Slovak AI European Digital Innovation Hub is a nation-wide ecosystem with a clear focus on artificial intelligence aiming to support the digital transformation of Slovak companies in the European innovation space. One of Hopero's goals is to upgrade companies and train their employees for the digital era by strengthening and expanding the community innovators, sharing knowledge, improving access to financial means and introduction of artificial intelligence.

Hopero is dedicated to 3 main goals:

  • Promotion of digital technologies related to artificial intelligence (AI).
  • Supporting the SMEs in access to private and EU funding necessary for adoption of all digital technologies, focusing specifically on SMEs in the regions.
  • Development of the digital innovation ecosystem in Slovakia.

Hopero will help you implement digital transformation and teach you how to search funds for your projects.

Hopero Consortium:

More information about Hopero can be found HERE.

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