
Twinning SK-CZ: Engineering applications

On 12-13. May 2022, we organized a twinning workshop at the Congress Center SAS Academia in Stará Lesná with the Czech National Competence Center for HPC, which operates within IT4I in Ostrava. The workshop focused on engineering applications and advanced modeling of, for example, complex fluid dynamics, turbulence, heat transfer, acoustics, mechanics etc.

 Twinning SK-CZ: Engineering applications

On May 12.-13. 2022, we organized a twinning workshop at the Congress Center SAS Academia in Stará Lesná with the Czech National Competence Center for HPC, which operates within IT4I in Ostrava. The workshop focused on engineering applications and advanced modeling of, for example, complex fluid dynamics, turbulence, heat transfer, acoustics, mechanics etc.

The workshop was also attended by representatives of private companies, so it also included a brief introduction to the competence center, the EuroCC project and opportunities for using the HPC approach and services in Slovakia and Europe.

The head of the Czech Competence Center for HPC, Tomáš Karásek, presented interesting examples of successful cooperation with companies, but also academic institutions in this area - you can find many of them HEREAnother important topic was a comprehensive overview of available software tools in this domain. Several open-source and commercial software packages are currently available and in development, and during the workshop we also learned about their strengths and weaknesses.

At the end of this pleasant event, we exchanged experiences and procedures with Czech colleagues in cooperation with the private sector and the management of clients from small and medium-sized enterprises.

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