
Call H2020-JTI-EuroHPC-2020-03 - Training and Education on High Performance Computing

Call H2020-JTI-EuroHPC-2020-03 - Training and Education on High Performance Computing

Central objective of this call will be to develop and implement the pilot(s) of the European Master of Science (MSc) programme(s) for High Performance Computing (HPC). The graduate education programme(s) will focus HPC and HPC-usage. They will demonstrate the added value of a pan-European education programme, committed to academic excellence, that offers students an outstanding career perspective in international companies and research institutes.

The call aims at creating one or more pan-European pilots for the development of a modern HPC-centred education programme to reach scientific and industrial target groups and to serve key actors in the private and public sector.

Proposal requirements:

Proposals under this action should detail a pilot programme that aims to develop a quality-controlled educational master programme for HPC and industrial applications in HPC of pan-European reach.

Consortium requirements:

The consortium should demonstrate a good mix of excellence in education, research and in HPC technologies and applications, with solid links to the HPC supply and user industry in Europe. Moreover, the participating institutions should demonstrate complementary and well-justified roles in the programme with an outstanding track record in their respective field. The consortium should support inclusivity in Europe and help in creating a level-playing field across Europe, and in particular for those countries currently developing their HPC infrastructure and ecosystem.

As consortium partners following types of institutions are eligible:

  • Higher education institutions (HEI) that are able to deliver a curriculum equivalent to 120 ECTS credits and award a master degree diploma (coordinator and main partners)
  • Supercomputing centers
  • Research institutions focused on HPC
  • Other entities eligible for participation in H2020, including private and for-profit companies, are eligible to participate in the action in exceptional and well-justified cases.

The estimate budget for this action is 7 mil. EUR. The funding rate for eligible costs in grants awarded by the JU for this topic will be 100% of the eligible costs.

The call is open until July 1st, 2021. More information can be found HERE.




Most of Europe’s SMEs lag behind in data-driven innovation. To tackle this problem, the EU-funded EUHubs4Data project will build a European federation of Data Innovation Hubs based on existing key players in this area and connecting with data incubators and platforms, SME networks, AI communities, skills and training organisations and open data repositories.

A European catalogue of data sources and federated data-driven services and solutions will be made accessible to European SMEs, start-ups and web entrepreneurs through the Data Innovation Hubs.

Based on the premise “global catalogue, local offer”, EUHubs4Data will ensure access to SMEs (including start-ups) in their respective regional ecosystems to a global catalogue of data sources and federated data driven services, making accessible the latest developments on Data Analytics and advanced assets on Big Data to companies all across Europe.

EUHubs4Data is financing experiments that make use of its federated catalogue of data driven services and datasets to develop innovative solutions and products close to the market. The experiments are expected to have a maximum duration of 9 months, and to reach specific KPIs and deliver results as it is described in the application form.

You can get support for your project within the second Open call for proposals .

A selected experiment will be funded with 60k Euros (flat rate). DIHs whose services are included in the experiment will provide technical support for the beneficiaries in the use of the federated services and access to datasets.

The deadline for applications is February 1st, 2022. You can find more information on the EUH4D website.


PRACE 23rd Call for Proposals for Project Access

PRACE 23rd Call for Proposals for Project Access
  • Type of Access: Project Access
  • Opening Date: 23/03/2021 @ 15:33
  • Closing Date: 27/04/2021 @ 10:00 Brussels Time
  • Applicants’ reply to scientific reviews: Mid-July 2021
  • Communication of allocation decision: End of September 2021
  • Allocation period for awarded proposals: 01/10/2021 – 30/09/2022
  • Type of Access (*): Single-year Project Access and Multi-year Project Access

(*) All proposals consist of 2 parts: An online form and the ‘Project scope and plan’. Please note that if you wish to continue work on a project that has finished or is ongoing, a new proposal (i.e. a continuation proposal) needs to be submitted via the platform in addition to a final/progress report.

Industry Access: Call 23 offers Principal Investigators from industry the possibility to apply for Single-year access to a special Industry Track which prioritises 10% of the total resources available.

The computer systems (called Tier-0 systems) and their operations that are accessible through PRACE are provided for this 23rd call by 5 PRACE hosting members: BSC representing Spain, CINECA representing Italy, ETH Zurich/CSCS representing Switzerland, GCS representing Germany and GENCI representing France.

Scientists and researchers can apply for access to PRACE resources. Industrial users can apply if they have their head offices or substantial R&D activity in Europe.

Proposals can be based on a 12-months schedule (Single-year Projects), or, on a 24- or 36-months schedule (Multi-year Projects). The allocation of awarded resources is made 1 year at a time with provisional allocations awarded for the 2nd and 3rd year.

You can find more information and submit your application HERE.




Supercomputing is starting to play a key role in different sectors and industries enabling industrial sectors to become more innovative, productive and shift business to a higher level.

Which benefits will you gain as an SME or mid-cap when using HPC in business?

The possibilities resulting from HPC use start with a more precise design of complex work pieces, continue with speeding-up the time-to-market, and conclude with the cost-saving of materials and time savings which could be spent for further R&D. HPC is becoming more accessible than ever before – scientists, researchers and engineers can run HPC workloads on on-premise infrastructure or can use resources from public cloud service providers.

FF4EuroHPC is a European initiative that helps facilitate access to all high-performance computing-related technologies for SMEs and thus increases the innovation potential of European industry. Whether it is running high-resolution simulations, doing large-scale data analyses, or incorporating AI applications into SMEs´ workflows, FF4EuroHPC connects business with cutting-edge technologies.

We expect to open the second Open Call in June 2021 and close it by End of September. Detailed information for the second call will be published HERE. Proposals will address business challenges from European SMEs from varied application domains.

Call for proposals targets the highest quality experiments involving innovative, agile SMEs and with work plans built around innovation targets arising from the use of advanced HPC services. Proposals are sought that address business challenges from European SMEs from varied application domains, but preference being given to engineering and manufacturing, or sectors able to demonstrate fast economic growth or particular economic impact for Europe.

  • Submission deadline: September 29th, 2021, 17:00 Brussels local time
  • Expected duration of experiments: maximum 15 months with expected commencement 1st March 2022
  • Maximum funding request per proposal: € 200,000 (covering all participants)

In the Fortissimo and Fortissimo 2 projects (which ran from 2013 to 2018), 92 SMEs from different European countries and sectors participated in application experiments that demonstrated the benefits of HPC cloud-based advanced modelling, simulation and data analytics. Have a look at success stories and get inspired HERE.




The Twelfth Call for Applications to SHAPE (SME HPC Adoption Programme in Europe) invites applications from European SMEs with an interesting idea that would benefit from High Performance Computing for increasing their competitiveness. SHAPE aims to work with selected SMEs to introduce HPC-based tools and techniques into their business, operational, or production environment. The selected solutions should bring a potential tangible Return on Investment to the SME’s business.

The SME applies to the programme via the online or downloadable form (links below) – at this stage assistance is available from PRACE if required, but the form also includes guidelines on the expected content. The applications are then reviewed and rated, based principally on the strength of the business case and technical feasibility of the proposed work.

The successful SMEs can then receive machine time on a PRACE system, and most importantly effort from a PRACE expert to work alongside the SME in evaluating and/or developing the HPC-based solution. In return the SME provides in-kind effort, publicity of their participation in SHAPE, and together with the PRACE expert, produces a public white paper on the work achieved in the project at its conclusion.

The Twelfth Call for Applications to SHAPE (SME HPC Adoption Programme in Europe) invites applications from European SMEs with an interesting idea that would benefit from High Performance Computing for increasing their competitiveness.

SHAPE aims to work with selected SMEs to introduce HPC-based tools and techniques into their business, operational, or production environment. The selected solutions should bring a potential tangible Return on Investment to the SME’s business.

The SHAPE process is as follows: The SME applies to the programme via the online or downloadable form (links below) – at this stage assistance is available from PRACE if required, but the form also includes guidelines on the expected content. The applications are then reviewed and rated, based principally on the strength of the business case and technical feasibility of the proposed work. The successful SMEs can then receive machine time on a PRACE system, and most importantly effort from a PRACE expert to work alongside the SME in evaluating and/or developing the HPC-based solution. In return the SME provides in-kind effort, publicity of their participation in SHAPE, and together with the PRACE expert, produces a public white paper on the work achieved in the project at its conclusion.

PRACE experts will work with the selected SMEs in order to develop their solutions, providing the participating SMEs with knowledge that will allow them to make an informed decision on the selected HPC solution.

Since its inception in 2013, SHAPE has enabled over 60 SMEs located throughout Europe, working in many fields (including computational fluids dynamics, steel casting, medicine, genomics, environment and renewable energies, artificial intelligence), to demonstrate the concrete benefits of using HPC for improving their competitiveness. Via participation in SHAPE, jobs have been created, costs reduced, contracts won and new and innovative services have been offered.

The Twelfth Call for Applications to SHAPE opens on Thursday 1 October 2020 with a closing date of Tuesday 1 December 2020..

For more information on this Programme, please visit the SHAPE or contact Wahid Rofagha (Industry Liaison Officer) at: W.Rofagha@staff.prace-ri.eu.

Please submit your SHAPE application, by sending your completed SHAPE 12th Call – Application Form via email to form-application@prace-ri.eu.

More information


Services of the POP CoE

Services of the POP CoE

The Performance Optimisation and Productivity Centre of Excellence in HPC provides performance optimisation and productivity services for (your?) academic AND industrial code(s) in all domains!

The idea that drives the POP CoE (Performance Optimisation and Productivity Centre of Excellence in HPC) is a simple one: to boost productivity of EU research and industry by providing free of charge services that help improve performance of high performance computing (HPC) and parallel software. The aim of POP is to offer our world-class HPC competence to organisations that want to understand software performance issues and to adopt parallel programming best practice.

Main services of the POP CoE are: Performance Audits, Improvement Plans, Proof-of-Concept demos, and Training.

  • Performance Audits are an initial analysis measuring a range of performance metrics to assess quality of performance and identify the issues affecting performance.
  • Improvement Plans undertake further performance evaluations to qualify and quantify solutions and estimate potential improvements.
  • Proof of Concept work uses extracted application kernels to demonstrate actual benefits from tuning and optimisation.
  • Training offers events and materials covering parallel profiling tools, programming models and parallelisation approaches.

Services are free of charge to organisations, SMEs, ISVs, companies in the EU!

 Services of POP CoE are provided for:

  • Code developers. (Assessment of detailed actual behavior, suggestion of most productive directions to refactor code…)
  • Users. (Assessment of achieved performance in specific production conditions, possible improvements modifying environment setup, evidence to interact with code provider...)
  • Infrastructure operators. (Assessment of achieved performance in production conditions, possible improvements from modifying environment setup, information for time computer time allocation processes, training of support staff...)
  • Vendors. (Benchmarking, customer support, system dimensioning/design...)
Protect Your Data! Tomorrow We Celebrate Safer Internet Day 10 Feb - 11. februára si pripomíname Deň bezpečnejšieho internetu (Safer Internet Day, SID), globálnu iniciatívu zameranú na zvýšenie povedomia o kybernetickej bezpečnosti a ochrane osobných údajov. Tento deň každoročne zdôrazňuje dôležitosť bezpečnosti v online priestore a podporuje aktivity, ktoré pomáhajú chrániť najmä mladých používateľov internetu.
Devana: Výzva na podávanie projektov pre štandardný prístup k HPC 1/25 19 Jan - Výzva na podávanie projektov pre štandardný prístup k HPC 1/25 je otvorená. Projekty je možné podávať v rámci otvorených výziev 3 krát do roka. O prístup je možné požiadať výhradne prostredníctvom používateľského portálu register.nscc.sk.
Odborná konferencia Superpočítač a Slovensko v Bratislave 15 Nov - Dňa 14. novembra 2024 sa v hoteli Devín v Bratislave uskutočnila odborná konferencia s názvom Superpočítač a Slovensko, ktorú zorganizovalo Ministerstvo investícií, regionálneho rozvoja a informatizácie SR. Konferencia sa zameriavala na aktuálne trendy a vývoj v oblasti vysokorýchlostného počítania na Slovensku. Súčasťou podujatia bola prezentácia L. Demovičovej z Národného kompetenčného centra pre HPC.

National Supercomputer Center was created in Slovakia

National Supercomputer Center was created in Slovakia

On November 18, the National SuperComputing Center (NSCC) was established, which will cover HPC (High Performance Computing) activities in Slovakia, including strengthening HPC competencies in close cooperation with the National Competence Centre for HPCdevelopment of HPC infrastructure, project support and investment in HPC.

The National Supercomputing Center was established as a consortium of the Centre of Operations of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (COO SAS), the Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatization SR (MIRRI) and the I4DI (Innovations for Digital Infrastructure) association, whose members are Tachyum, Towercom and PosAm. During the first two years of the NSCC's activities, Lukáš Demovič, Director of COO SAS, will be the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and Radoslav Repa, General Director of the MIRRI Digital Agenda Section, will become the Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

The vision of the National Supercomputing Center project as an association of state institutions and the private sector is, among other things, to build a new supercomputer in Slovakia, which would be at a competitive performance level in Europe and allow more extensive and efficient use of HPC technologies and utilization of high-performance data analytics tools. artificial intelligence and machine learning by Slovak users. The NSCC, in cooperation with the National Competence Center for HPC, will participate in increasing competencies in these areas, in particular by providing free consultations and educational activities for small and medium-sized enterprises, industrial companies, government entities and, last but not least, academic institutions.

„Cieleným rozvojom HPC infraštruktúry a jej sprístupnením, zvyšovaním kompetencií, poskytovaním služieb a v neposlednom rade podporou národných projektov činnosť NSCC bezpochyby prispeje k zlepšeniu konkurencieschopnosti Slovenska nielen v oblasti inovácií,” povedal predseda správnej rady NSCC Lukáš Demovič.

The NSCC will be actively involved in European projects and international grant calls. It is expected that in the future it will represent Slovakia in European projects such as PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe) or EuroHPC (European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking).

Protect Your Data! Tomorrow We Celebrate Safer Internet Day 10 Feb - 11. februára si pripomíname Deň bezpečnejšieho internetu (Safer Internet Day, SID), globálnu iniciatívu zameranú na zvýšenie povedomia o kybernetickej bezpečnosti a ochrane osobných údajov. Tento deň každoročne zdôrazňuje dôležitosť bezpečnosti v online priestore a podporuje aktivity, ktoré pomáhajú chrániť najmä mladých používateľov internetu.
Devana: Výzva na podávanie projektov pre štandardný prístup k HPC 1/25 19 Jan - Výzva na podávanie projektov pre štandardný prístup k HPC 1/25 je otvorená. Projekty je možné podávať v rámci otvorených výziev 3 krát do roka. O prístup je možné požiadať výhradne prostredníctvom používateľského portálu register.nscc.sk.
Odborná konferencia Superpočítač a Slovensko v Bratislave 15 Nov - Dňa 14. novembra 2024 sa v hoteli Devín v Bratislave uskutočnila odborná konferencia s názvom Superpočítač a Slovensko, ktorú zorganizovalo Ministerstvo investícií, regionálneho rozvoja a informatizácie SR. Konferencia sa zameriavala na aktuálne trendy a vývoj v oblasti vysokorýchlostného počítania na Slovensku. Súčasťou podujatia bola prezentácia L. Demovičovej z Národného kompetenčného centra pre HPC.